
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Yellow-crowned Night-Herons, Nyctanassa violacea, with their purplish-gray body, black-and-white face, and striking yellow plumes can be found in wet fields or shallow wetlands. They may be seen foraging any time during the day or night. You will most often discover this bird alone, although, at times, they may appear in groups.

Watch as they stand still or walk slowly with their necks extended in search of their favorite dinner of crustaceans. They may also eat frogs, small fish mussels, and water beetles.

Keep a keen eye out for this hard-to-find bird. While they are most common in barrier islands, coastal marshes, and mangroves, you may also find them inland near rivers, on golf courses, or even in your wet yard.

Yellow-crowned Night-Herons have been around for a long time. The oldest recorded fossil was discovered in Sarasota, Florida, and is 2–2.5 million years old.

Sadly, the Yellow-crowned Night-Heron has been designated a Species of Concern by Florida Rare and Endangered Plants and Animals.

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Snail Kite

Snail Kites can be found flying low over open freshwater and marshes in Central and Southern Florida before dropping down to snatch an apple snail with their talons. They will fly to a perch and use their unique-shaped bills to pry the snails from their shells. Look for Snail Kites roosting in flocks just before hunting and during nesting season.

Listed as endangered in Florida since 1967, Snail Kites (Rostrhamus sociabilis) depend on good quality water to survive. Urban development, sewage seepage, nutrient and pesticide run-off, and invasive plants have degraded much of Florida’s freshwater. Nearly 1/2 of the Everglades have been drained. Since a Snail Kite’s diet consists almost exclusively of apple snails that only live in freshwater areas, it is imperative that we protect the remaining wetlands.

Photo Credit: Andy Waldo

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Ghost Orchid

The Ghost Orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii,) is rare and endangered. There are only an estimated 2000 left in Florida. This orchid is prized for its long, white delicate petals. It is leafless and its roots attach to the host tree. The mass of green roots clings tightly to the trunks. It is distinguished from other species of orchid by the presence of thin white markings dotting its roots.

The Ghost Orchid gets its name from its ability to move at night. It appears as if it’s floating, like a ghost.

The Ghost Orchid is pollinated by the Giant Spinx Moth, whose long tongue can reach the nectar that is not accessible to many insects. The swamps of cypress, pond apple, and palm trees are its preferred environment. The orchid’s specific habitat requirements are high humidity, mild temperatures, and dappled shade.

The Ghost Orchid does not flower reliably. It will typically flower one to two weeks once a year. It requires a specific fungus (mycorrhizal) to be able to thrive. because it is leafless, the orchid relies on its roots to produce sugars from sunlight. The Ghost Orchid has a symbiotic relationship with the fungus as it gathers nutrients from it in exchange for extra sugars.

Habitat destruction and development, as well as over-collecting, have been responsible for the decline of ghost orchid populations. The Ghost Orchid is a protected species in public land areas.

With gratitude to Jay Staton for his patience and perseverance in capturing this rare sight.
JAY STATON -Published on Oct 20, 2014
“A ghost orchid’s flower takes, on average, 2 days to fully open. This short video shows the remarkable beauty of the most sought-after orchid in the world, including background sound that gets you in the mood.”


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