
Green Lynx Spider

The Green Lynx Spider (Peucetia viridans) is a large, bright green spider that can be found on many shrub-like plants throughout the Southern United States, it is the largest North American lynx spider. It is common throughout Florida and will aggressively attack its insect prey but will very rarely bite humans. Lynx spiders in general, are an essential predator of crop-damaging insects, making them an interest for agricultural pest management. However, their usefulness in controlling pest insects is also contradicted by their willingness to prey on beneficial insects.
The female is large, measuring 12 to 22 mm long; the average is 16 mm. Males are a bit smaller and more slender, with the average length being 12 mm. The cephalothorax is highest in the eye region, where it is narrow but broadens out considerably behind. The body is transparent and bright green; usually, there is a red patch between the eyes and red spots on the body. Numbers and sizes vary between individuals. The eye region is covered with little hairs. The legs are pale green to yellow and are quite long and thin with very long, black spines and numerous black spots. Green lynxes are diurnal hunters; they are very agile and can leap from place to place with great precision. Their keen eyesight can be compared to that of wolf and fishing spiders. Their method of hunting is to pause and wait to catch their prey; they do not use webs to capture prey.
Photo Credit: Lynn Marie
Author: Destiny Alvarez – Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Oregon
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Banana Spider

Banana Spider AKA Golden Silk Orbweaver
The Golden Silk Orbweaver (Nephila clavipes) also known as the Banana Spider is one of the largest non-tarantula spiders in North America. It is the only species of its genus that lives in the western hemisphere and is found in Florida, across the gulf, up to North Carolina, and other southern countries in South America.
Golden Silk Orbweaver webs can measure over 3 feet in diameter and are normally created in forest clearings and can often stretch across trails. The webs trap prey, and their primary diet of this orb weaver consists of a variety of insects.
Females can reach up to an inch to an inch and a half. Their body is orange and brown with black feathery turfs on their legs. Males are distinctly different from females, they are much smaller at around a quarter of an inch in diameter, and their body is brown. Males are seen from July to September waiting for females to mature around August for a chance to mate with them. Males can be seen sitting around the female until she is ready to mate, and multiple males can occupy one web. They will fight each other to have a chance to mate with some even losing legs. Females will produce at least two egg sacks after mating. Each sack can contain hundred of eggs! The sacks can measure about a tenth of an inch and are covered in thick golden silk.
Despite their impressive size and bright color, they are not dangerous to humans. Golden Silk Orbweavers are not venomous and will only bite if they are being held. Banana Spiders can be observed year-round in Florida, though autumn is the best time to view them. If you spot them, remember to keep a safe distance and never intentionally disturb their webs. Spiders of all shapes and sizes play an important ecological role in Florida’s natural and developed areas.
Photo Credit: Andy Waldo
Author: Destiny Alvarez – Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Oregon
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Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver Spider

The Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver Spider, Neoscona domiciliorum, is one of the larger orb weavers in Florida. Males grow to less than .6 of an inch while females grow to a whopping 3/4 of an inch. These beautiful spiders are easy to identify with their red femora (thighs) and banded legs.
Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver Spiders are common in moist woodlands throughout Florida. Look for them perched head down in their webs. Orb weavers play an important role in our ecosystems because they consume a variety of insects. Their bites are not known to cause serious harm to humans.
Photo Credit: Lynn Marie
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Banded Garden Spider

Banded Garden Spiders, Argiope trifasciata, are large spiders native to North and South America. They produce webs throughout bushy areas. Females are larger than males who will construct a smaller web next to a female. Prey consists of larger insects such as wasps.
Sometimes, webs are found with designs inside called stabilimenta. Many theories exist as to why stabilimenta are created but researchers have found the designs reduce the amount of prey caught in the web nut decrease potential damage to the web.
Photo credit: Aymee Laurain
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Northern Crab Spider

The Northern crab spider, Mecaphesa asperata, can be found throughout central and north America and the Caribbean. These little spiders use flowers to camouflage themselves and will prey on insects visiting flowers such as aphids, spider mites, moths, aphids, bees, wasps, and flies. Females lay eggs in the folds of some leaves and will guard the eggs by remaining nearby.
Photo credit: Aymee Laurain
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Silver Garden Orbweaver

Silver Garden Orbweavers, Argiope argentata, are arachnids that are commonly found in yards, gardens, and parks. Look for them waiting in the center of their intricate web, head down, for a meal of insects including mosquitos. Look closely and you may find a Dewdrop Spider sharing the web.
Females are larger at up to 3 inches with legs spread out and more striking in color. After mating, they will kill and sometimes eat the male
Photo Credit: Dan Kon
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Dewdrop Spider

Tiny Dewdrop Spiders (Argyrodes sp.) are easy to miss. Nature has designed their abdomens to reflect light and appear to be a dewdrop glimmering in the sun.

Dewdrop spiders do not spin their own webs. Instead, they perch on the outer edge of a larger spider’s web. Once an insect is captured in the web, the tiny Dewdrop Spider will wait patiently until the host spider leaves the web before moving in to steal a bit of the prey.

Dewdrop spiders are aptly known as kleptoparasites.

Photo Credit: Andy Waldo

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Regal Jumping Spider

Regal Jumping Spiders (Phidippus regius) are cute little fuzzy spiders typically found around immature woodland habitats. They can also be found hanging out on your windshield. Black and white features identify males. Females are grey or brown in color. These spiders may be expert jumpers, but they also produce a dragline in case they miss their target.

Males perform a romantic dance to woo the females. They show off their handsome leg fringe and bright metallic green chelicerae. If the lady is impressed, they will cohabitate in dried leaves such as old palm fronds. When the mating time arrives, the male does another type of romantic dance that is different from his courtship dance. During this dance, he shows off his dance moves and then plays a game of peek-a-boo with the female through the tent-like web. Once the female allows him in, he softly pets her several times before mating occurs. Quite the charmer, isn’t he?

When it comes time to lay eggs, the female will produce several nests under pine and oak trees. Several hundred eggs can be laid during this time. Babies will consume small invertebrates. While they may strike fear into other insects, they are relatively harmless to humans. Rough handling of the spiders may prompt a bite that can sting for several minutes before subsiding.

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