
Eastern CoachWhip

There are six subspecies of coachwhip snakes that are currently recognized, but the Eastern Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum flagellum) is the only one that occurs in Florida. These nonvenomous snakes are one of the longest snakes seen in Florida. Coachwhips are very observant; they often rest or crawl with their head and neck raised above the ground as they scan the environment. They are also excellent climbers.
Adults can reach 42-60 inches in total length. This long, slender snake typically has a dark brown or black head, neck, and front part of the body; towards the back end, it becomes light tan. The head is large and narrow, with large scales over the eyes. Their eyes are large and prominent with round pupils and yellow irises. Juvenile appearances are slightly different, with brown or tan dark cross bands down the neck and back. The juvenile pattern will gradually change to adult one in about two years.
Coachwhips are abundant; their habitat is typically hot and dry with open canopies. These snakes are extremely fast and agile. When approaching, they will typically flee for shelter. Though if cornered, both juveniles and adults will strike an attacker and will rapidly vibrate the tip of their tail, producing a buzzing sound in leaf litter. These snakes are typically nonaggressive, and striking is their last resort.
Coachwhips are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day, predators, they feed on small mammals, birds and their eggs, other reptiles, frogs, and insects. Because these snakes are in Florida, lizards are most likely what make up a primary part of their diet. They are not true constrictors; the snakes overpower their prey by grabbing with their jaws and pressing down against the ground until it stops struggling or by quickly swallowing it alive.
Coachwhips are not true constrictors and overpower their prey by simply grabbing it in their jaws and pressing it against the ground until it stops struggling or by quickly swallowing it alive.
In Florida, females lay around 4-24 eggs. Eggs are laid in loose soil, debris, leaf litter, rotting logs, or animal burrows. Young will hatch between August and September.
Cool Fact! The name “Coachwhip” comes from the large tan scales on its long tail, which looks like a braided bullwhip.
Photo Credit: Aymee Laurain
Author: Destiny Alvarez – Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Oregon
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Ring-necked Snake

ing-necked Snake
The non-venomous Ring-necked snake (Diadophis punctatus) can be found throughout Florida. These small snakes are usually only 6 – 7- inches long but can grow to 10 inches. Their dark gray body has a yellowish-orange ring around the neck, and the underpart is red, orange, or yellow. Ring-necked snakes reproduce by laying eggs.
Ring-necked snakes are rarely seen since they spend most of their time under rocks, leaf litter, or logs. They prefer moist forested areas but can be found in yards and gardens. Lizards, earthworms, insects, small snakes, salamanders, frogs, and tadpoles make up most of their diet.
Video Credit: Bobby Putnam – Brevard County Lead Education Coordinator
Photo Credit: Dan Kon – rescued lost Ring-necked snake from a department store.
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Florida banded watersnake

Florida banded watersnake, Nerodia fasciata, is a non-venomous, native species of snake found from the coastal areas of the Carolinas, down throughout Florida, and west to Texas.
The watersnake will be more heavily patterned as a juvenile and often become more brown or black with age. The adults range from 2 to 4 feet in length and are primarily fish and frog eaters. They are active most often at night but can be seen basking during the day. They inhabit areas with shallow, slow-moving freshwater such as ponds, lakes, ditches, and retention ponds. The females give birth to live young, numbering from 3-80 babies at a time! Animals such as frogs, fish, alligators, raccoons, opossums, birds, and other carnivorous mammals feed on the Florida watersnake.
Frequently mistaken for the far less common cottonmouth (also known as water moccasin), they are often killed by humans out of fear. If you have one of these native residents too close to your home, spray them with a garden hose to get them to leave. To keep snakes away from your house, remove brush and debris that provide them cover as well as provide homes for their food. There are no effective snake repellents available so if you do not want them near your home, the best thing to do is to keep the area around your house clean and tidy. That way, we all can coexist together!
Photo Credit: Andy Waldo
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Eastern Copperhead

Eastern Copperheads, Agkistrodon contortrix, are beautiful snakes that are most often found in wet forested areas. Copperheads are thick-bodied and adults grow to 22-36 inches long. Their alternating light and dark colors provide extraordinary camouflage on the forest floor. Meals consist of lizards, amphibians, insects, birds, small mammals, and other snakes.

In the spring, male Copperheads will travel long distances to find a mate. Females give birth to 7-20 live young in the summer. The little ones, who are born with a color pattern like their parents, wiggle their bright yellow tails to attract lizards and frogs for a tasty meal.

Copperheads are venomous snakes. Like all snakes, they only strike out at humans when they are defending themselves. Watch your step. Because they are masters at camouflage, Copperheads can easily be stepped upon. Luckily, the venom is not very potent and deaths are rare. However, if you are bitten by a Copperhead, be sure to seek medical attention immediately.

Fun Fact: Copperheads are pit vipers. A pit viper senses small temperature changes in its surroundings. This allows it to strike out with accuracy at the perceived danger or prey.

Map: UF IFAS Extension University of Florida
Photo Credit: Dan Kon

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