
Cross-Leaved Milkwort

Cross-leaved milkwort (Polygala cruciata) is a unique and fascinating plant native to Florida’s wetlands, prairies, and moist pinelands. This perennial herb is easily recognizable by its cross-shaped leaf arrangement and vibrant purple-to-pink flowers, which bloom from spring through fall. The plant typically grows to about 1 to 2 feet tall and prefers sunny, moist environments.
Cross-leaved milkwort plays a significant role in the local ecosystem by providing nectar for various pollinators, including bees and butterflies. It is also a part of the diverse flora that helps maintain the health and stability of wetland habitats.
Conservation of these habitats is crucial, as they are threatened by development and changes in land use. Protecting areas where cross-leaved milkwort thrives ensures the survival of this and many other native species.
Photo Credit: Lynn Marie
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Moonflowers, Convolvulaceae, are vines that grow to 40 feet. Native throughout Central and South Florida, these perennials are found in disturbed wetlands as well as on the edges of mangroves and lakes. The aromatic white flowers are pollinated by moths and bloom in the summer and through early fall.
Moonflowers can be a wonderful addition to your garden. Plant by a trellis or in an area where you can control the vine. Purchase your seeds from the Florida Wildflowers Growers Cooperative or plant runners from an existing vine in sandy or loamy soils. Plant a Moonflower vine and at the end of the day enjoy the fragrant blooms that stay open throughout the night.
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