
Brazilian Free-tailed Bat

The Brazilian free-tailed bat, also known as Tadarida brasiliensis, and some even refer to them as Mexican free-tailed is a species of bat found throughout the Americas, from southern Canada to central South America. It is a medium-sized bat with broad ears, large feet, and the end of its tail free, hence the name “Free Tail”. The bat is easily distinguished by its tail which extends for about half its length beyond the tail membrane. They have short, velvety, reddish-to-black-colored fur. Some of them have patches of white scattered throughout their fur. The ears are short, broad, thick, leathery, and separated in the middle of the forehead by a narrow gap. The wings are long and narrow, and the hairs on the toes extend beyond the claws.
With a size no bigger than a pair of thumbs, Adults measure 3.5–4.0 inches in length and weigh 0.4–0.5 ounces. These bats hold the title of the world’s fastest mammals, reaching speeds of up to 99 mph (160 kph) during level flight. These creatures are capable of flying as high as 10,000 feet. Making them small but mighty. The lifespan of these creatures in the wild is about 11 years. Each female gives birth to only one baby per year with the gestational period lasting 2.5-3.5 months. Bats babies are called pups and are born without fur and unable to fly. The pups nurse for about 45 days and within a month after birth, the majority of babies have fur and are nearly full-grown. The first flight occurs at 6-7 weeks.
The subspecies inhabiting the Western region typically roost in caves, whereas the Florida subspecies, due to the excess moisture present in Florida caves, prefer to inhabit man-made structures and trees. As a result, they are frequently spotted in both urban areas and forests. This species has a distinct musk odor that can reveal the roost site. They form relatively large colonies with individuals typically numbering in the hundreds to thousands. Roosting together in large colonies allows baby bats to remain behind in the warmth, comfort, and safety of the colony while the mothers leave the roost to feed.
At dusk, just before dark, Brazilian Free-tailed Bats emerge from their roosts to feed usually on flying insects such as moths, beetles, dragonflies, wasps, and flies as well as other bugs and ants. The seasonal temperature within Florida’s warm climate is minimal, which also allows for year-round availability of food. It has been estimated that they consume about 9,100 metric tons (10,000 tons) of insects per year, thus making them essential in the balance of insect populations and possibly in the control of insect pests which results in farmers saving millions of dollars.
The species is not currently listed as threatened or endangered, but it faces several threats that could impact its population in the future.
Some of the threats to Brazilian free-tailed bats include habitat loss, pesticides, and climate change. To help protect this species and other bats, people can take several steps, such as:
Advocate for habitat preservation: Brazilian free-tailed bats depend on natural habitats for food, shelter, and roosting. You can support the conservation of natural habitats by advocating for protected areas, such as national parks or wildlife reserves, and supporting conservation organizations that work to protect bat habitats.
Preserving their natural habitat is crucial.
Plant native: Native plants can provide food and shelter for bats, so consider planting them in your yard or community. You can also support initiatives that promote the use of native plants in landscaping and land management.
Reduce pesticide use: Pesticides can be harmful to bats and their insect prey, so reducing their use can benefit both bats and the environment.
Support research: Research is necessary to better understand bat populations, their behaviors, and the threats they face. You can support organizations that conduct bat research or participate in citizen science projects that collect data on bat populations.
Overall, taking action to protect the Brazilian free-tailed bat and other bat species can help preserve biodiversity and maintain healthy ecosystems.
Video: Aymee Laurain
Author: Renada Hill Valencia College
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Nine-banded armadillo

Nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) are a species of mammal native to the southern United States, and Florida is no exception. Armadillos in Florida are found in many areas, from the Everglades to urban regions. These animals have adapted to a wide variety of habitats, from wetlands and forests to grasslands and scrubs. They can be seen foraging for food during the day or night, and their burrows provide them with shelter from predators. In addition to their unique physical traits such as their hard shell, armadillos also play an important role in controlling insect populations. As such, they are an important part of Florida’s natural environment.
Unfortunately, many people villainize armadillos who root around their yards. Since they enjoy, worms and insects brought to the surface through moist soil, a wet yard attracts them. Preventing overwatering can deter them. If you must water, do so in the morning so the top layer can dry during the day. This will make them less likely to come around at night. You can also use a fence to exclude them. Ensure the fence extends at least 18 inches into the ground to prevent digging. A few small changes can help us coexist with our native wildlife.
Photo Credit: Aymee Laurain
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River Otter

River Otters, Lontra canadensis, are members of the weasel family. They can be found in a variety of freshwater bodies, including rivers, creeks, swamps, marshes, ponds, and lakes throughout Florida, except the Keys. Otters love riparian areas, where they can create their burrows under tree roots on the bank and slide into the water for a tasty dinner of fish, crustaceans, reptiles, and amphibians. They also dine on insects, birds, and small mammals.

River Otters weigh 15-30 pounds and live to 12 years old. They are skilled swimmers. When they aren’t playing in the water or mud, you will find them marking their territory with urine, feces, scent glands, and scratch marks on trees. Females give birth to one to six pups in a den dug into the bank of a body of water or a hollow log. When they are two months old, the mother otter pushes her pups into the water where they quickly learn to swim.

Fun Fact: River Otters can hold their breath for 8 minutes.

Photo Credit: Paul Waller

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Pine Lily

The striking Pine Lily, Lilium catesbae, is a Long-lived perennial. Pollinators including Swallowtails are attracted to this native plant’s gorgeous flowers.

Pine Lillies grow in the wetlands of prairies, bogs, and pine savannas where they thrive in moist, sandy soils with partly shaded areas. They become dormant in the winter and flower throughout the summer. Sporadic blooms may occur in spring. The flower is the largest lily in the U.S.

The Pine Lily is designated as threatened due to habitat loss, conversion of their native habitats, and fire suppression. The restoration of Longleaf pine forests and regular prescribed burns will give these beauties the opportunity to multiply and continue to dazzle us with their beauty when we encounter them while hiking.

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Bottlenose Dolphin

With their never-ending smiles, Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) easily capture our hearts. These large mammals grow to lengths of 10 to 14 feet and can weigh as much as 1,100 pounds. Their powerful bodies allow them to reach speeds of over 18 miles an hour. They can live to be 50 years old.

Bottlenose Dolphins can be found inshore and offshore, including in estuaries. They are easy to spot as they surface two to three times a minute to breathe. Bottlenose Dolphins live in a community called a pod. Here they communicate with each other with an elaborate system of squeaks and whistles. Their speech allows them to work as a group to help a sick or injured dolphin, encircle a school of fish for a community dinner, and guard the pod against a shark attack.

Using echolocation, Bottlenose dolphins make 1,000 clicking noises per second. The sounds of the clicks travel through the water until it bounces off their prey. When the sound returns, the dolphin can expertly determine the shape, size, and location of their next meal. Each day an adult dolphin can eat 20 pounds of flounder, mullet, pinfish, sheepshead, and marine invertebrates.

Feeding a dolphin or swimming with a dolphin can seem harmless. It is not. In fact, it is against federal law. Human interactions with these magnificent animals can cause them to be drawn to humans, thus putting them at risk of boating accidents, entanglement in fishing nets, and consuming food that jeopardizes their health. Dolphins will pass these dangerous behaviors to their next generation. Grab a camera, and sit back and enjoy them playing and leaping in their natural, wild habitat.

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The coyote (Canis latrans) is a medium-sized omnivore. The average size of a coyote in Florida is about 28 lbs. Fossils of their remains have been found in Florida as far back as 2.6 million years ago. Due to the annihilation of the red wolves in Florida, coyotes are thriving. They are also stepping up to the plate to carry out the ecological task previously carried out by the red wolves. The role of a tertiary predator is important in maintaining balance and order in an ecosystem. They do this by regulating the trophic levels below them. If there are too many primary consumers, the vegetation can be depleted, causing soil and water problems. If there are too many secondary consumers, the primary consumer population can deplete, resulting in overgrowth. If prey isn’t available, coyotes adapt by eating vegetation.

February is part of the mating period. I suppose you could say Valentine’s Day is a romantic time for Coyotes as well as humans. After about a 63 day gestation period, the females will give birth. They will have to rely on the male to provide food for the mother and pups. The pups start weaning between April and May. This is done by eating the regurgitated food of their parents. By July, they are eating solid food. They begin hunting in August and will be ready to venture out on their own by December.

Coyotes are often called “song dogs” because of their variety of sounds. People frequently overestimate the number of coyotes in an area due to their singing. The phenomenon of hearing multiples is called the Beau Geste Effect. This term means “fine gesture” in French and comes from a book published in 1924. The story explains how a group of brothers used dead soldiers to give the illusion of several soldiers in an attempt to intimidate approaching forces.

Coyotes get a bad reputation, but with human behavior changes, we can learn to coexist with them. Don’t leave food out for other animals. Walk dogs on a short leash if you know coyotes are around. Secure trash. Keep your yard clear of any debris they could use as a den: secure livestock and their feed. If you see coyotes, make a loud noise to scare them away. As we learn to live with coyotes, we can learn to appreciate the role they play in keeping Florida’s ecosystems healthy.

Coyotes are a perfect example of an omnivore because they will eat almost anything. Their meals consist of plants, berries, dead things, insects (they love bugs), rodents, foxes, small animals of any kind including birds, small livestock, cats and small dogs, and of course, human and pet food!

Unlike wolves, coyotes do not hunt in packs. However, they will hunt with family members until their siblings go on their way.

Why are we seeing more coyotes in Florida? Humans have killed most of the wolves. Because wolves are now nearly extinct in Florida, coyotes have moved in and become king of the hill. They have no natural predators and will coexist in the wild with other animals, including panthers and bobcats. Coyotes love open grassy areas where rodents and other small animals live. Since man has cleared out many forests to make way for ranching and farming, the coyote has a free-range with plenty of food.

An adult coyote weighs 25 to 40 lbs. At times they may appear to be starving and seem very thin. This is their body build. Since they are extremely adaptable to almost any environmental condition and will eat almost anything, there is never any worry about coyotes finding enough food. When coyotes inhabit a new area, their population will grow quickly. Five to six pups may be born in a single litter. Once an area is established, the coyote population will level off.

Can we send them back to their original range? It has been tried in many states for hundreds of years, and the answer is no. Snare traps will most likely catch some other wild animal or someone’s pet before it captures a coyote. Two Florida black bears were found dead with coyote snares around their necks here in Central Florida. If we kill them, coyotes will just have more pups to repopulate the area quickly. Unless we reintroduce their natural predator, the red or grey wolf, and allow nature to take its course through Trophic Cascade, coyotes are here to stay.

What can you do to keep them wild and in the forests or uninhabited areas? We use the same techniques for coyotes as we do for our amazing Florida Black bears. Take in pet food and bird feeders, secure all attractants, scare that coyote if it is in your yard by yelling at it, making loud noises, etc. Never leave small pets outside unattended. Coyotes don’t know the difference between a small cat or dog and any other prey. It’s our responsibility as pet owners to keep pets safe.

Let’s learn to respect nature, and not fear it, to coexist and not destroy it.


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