Hooded Mergansers, Lophodytes cucullatus, are easy to spot with their distinctive crests. Males sport a striking black and white crest while females look regal with their copper crests. Many of these common small ducks spend their winters in Florida. Hooded Mergansers generally arrive late in the fall and leave early in the spring for northern breeding territories.
Look for small groups of Hooded Mergansers in wetlands, marshes, swamps, flooded forests, and estuaries where they thrive in shallow freshwater or brackish bays. Watch them as they dive to catch small insects, fish, amphibians, and crustaceans. See them run across the water before taking flight and skidding across the water as they land.
Fun Fact: Hooded Mergansers have an extra eyelid that is see-thru. They use this nictitating membrane like a pair of goggles when swimming.
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