
Weedon Island Preserve

Weedon Island Preserve is a natural and cultural gem in St Petersburg on Tampa Bay. Comprised mostly of marine aquatic and coastal ecosystems, with a few upland exceptions. It is home to many native plants and animals, a rich cultural history, and an educational facility. The native peoples lived at this site for thousands of years. Much of the preserve contains mosquito ditches constructed in the 1950s. These ditches help connect sitting pools of water to larger bodies, allowing predatory fish to feed off mosquito larvae rather than use pesticides in the area. Currently, the Preserve preserves this land’s unique natural and diverse cultural heritages. This can be found in the Educational Center and the preserve. Today, Weedon Island Preserve is set aside as a 3,190-acre natural area managed by Pinellas County.

The largest estuarine preserve in Pinellas County is well known for its birding and fishing. The preserve provides over 4.5 miles of nature trails for hiking, 2 miles of boardwalks and paved trails that are ADA accessible, and the remaining 2.7 miles are natural trail loops. At the end of the Tower Trail sits the observation tower and at 45-foot-tall, it is the tallest of its kind in Pinellas County. You can see most of the preserve, Tampa, and St Petersburg if the conditions are right!

If you are tired of walking on land and want to spend time on the water, you are in luck! Weedon Island also includes a 4-mile, self-guided canoeing/kayaking loop called the South Paddling Trail. Meandering through mangrove tunnels and out to the bay. If you don’t have your own vessel, no worries; a company on site provides tours that take you through the maze of mangrove tunnels. Other activities include fishing from the pier, a boat launch at the end of the road, and picnicking at any designated picnic tables provided through the park and trails.

Don’t forget to check the Weedon Island Preserve Cultural and Natural History Center to learn about the natural history of the ancient native inhabitants of the area. Check the schedule of events because not only does Pinellas County sponsor events, UF/IFAS Extension agents also provide a wide variety of educational programs and events for the general public that are family-friendly and often free of charge. Monthly programs may include guided hikes, archaeology classes, speaker series, photography or birding meet-ups, and environmental sustainability workshops.

Educational Center
Wildlife Viewing
Lookout Tower
Information Kiosk
Guided Tours and Trails
Fishing Pier
Paddling Launch and Rentals
Parking Area
Interpretive Signage
Nature Trails, sand
Picnic Area
Seating Area, Pavilion
Learning Center

Address: 1800 Weedon Drive Northeast, St. Petersburg, Florida 33702
For more information: http://www.weedonislandpreserve.org/

Photo Credit: Aymee Laurain
Author and Photo Credit: Bobby Putnam


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Wakulla Springs State Park

Wakulla Springs State Park
Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park boasts the world’s largest and deepest freshwater springs. It may be most famous for the movies Tarzan’s Secret Treasure (1941) and Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) that were filmed in the park. Wakulla Springs State Park is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is designated as a National Natural Landmark. It is located just south of Tallahassee in Wakulla County.
Stop by the Visitor Center to access an interpretive display where you will learn the history of the park from Paleolithic times until today. Observe cave diagrams, learn about the indigenous people who first inhabited the land, the men and women who resided or visited there, Edward Ball whom the park is named after, and the wildlife who live there today.
Saunter along the 9 mile Nature Trail, the 1.4 mile Cherokee Sink Trail, or the Bob Rose Trail. Bike or take a guided bike tour on the Cherokee Sink Trail and the Nature Trail. Discover the animals and plants that thrive in the cool waters when you enjoy swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, or cave diving. For the more daring, jump or dive from the 22-foot observation tower/dive into the 70* spring. Bring a blanket to the beach and sit for a while at the shore or under the shade of a cypress tree.
Explore Southern hardwood forests. maple-cypress habitats, an upland hardwood forest, pine forests, 80-foot-deep sinkhole lake, and ancient cypress swamps.
Bring your camera. Watch for resident and migratory wading birds and songbirds including cedar waxwings, phoebes, and chimney swifts. Look for white-tailed deer, bears, alligators, manatees, and more. Marvel at the variety of wildflowers including terrestrial and epiphytic orchids.
Bring your picnic and enjoy your lunch at one of the provided tables. A playground is nearby. View Wakulla Spring while dining in the Edward Ball Dining Room where breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served. Be sure to stop by the Soda Fountain for an old-fashioned malt or milkshake on the world’s longest marble countertop.
Rooms are available at the historic 1930’s Spanish-style Wakulla Springs Lodge. Plan your reunion or wedding at this popular park. Three conference rooms are available for events, meetings, and retreats.
Well-behaved pets are welcome in designated areas while on a 6-foot leash. Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park is wheelchair accessible and offers wheelchair access to riverboats, access to a manual wheelchair upon request, accessible picnic shelters, and accessible benches.
Photo Credit: Bobby Putnam
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River Otter

River Otters, Lontra canadensis, are members of the weasel family. They can be found in a variety of freshwater bodies, including rivers, creeks, swamps, marshes, ponds, and lakes throughout Florida, except the Keys. Otters love riparian areas, where they can create their burrows under tree roots on the bank and slide into the water for a tasty dinner of fish, crustaceans, reptiles, and amphibians. They also dine on insects, birds, and small mammals.

River Otters weigh 15-30 pounds and live to 12 years old. They are skilled swimmers. When they aren’t playing in the water or mud, you will find them marking their territory with urine, feces, scent glands, and scratch marks on trees. Females give birth to one to six pups in a den dug into the bank of a body of water or a hollow log. When they are two months old, the mother otter pushes her pups into the water where they quickly learn to swim.

Fun Fact: River Otters can hold their breath for 8 minutes.

Photo Credit: Paul Waller

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Hidden Waters Preserve

Once known as the Eichelberger Sink, this 90-acre preserve located near Eustis is managed by Lake County Water Authority. Hidden Waters Preserve was established in 1996 to protect the water seepage and Lake Alfred where water slowly seeps into the aquifer.

Hidden Waters Preserve offers 6 trails ranging from 2 miles to 15 miles. Hike the meandering paths through sandhill restoration areas. Notice the newly planted Long-leaf pines and the gopher tortoises who make their burrows there. Water flowing from a seepage slope offers the opportunity to discover various plants and ferns.

The elevational difference between the top of the sink and the bottom is 110 feet. Explore the depression marsh and lake at the bottom of the sink where you will find a variety of plants and wading birds. Bird watchers will be happy to discover some of the more than 35 birds on this designated FWC Statewide Birding Trail.

For more information and trail maps click here: https://www.lcwa.org/land_resources/open_preserves.php

Photo Credit: Dan Kon


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Eastern Coral Snake

Eastern Coral snakes, Micrurus fulvius, have a bright, glossy, distinct pattern. Their heads are black and their tails are yellow and black. Red and black rings separated by thin yellow rings make up the rest of their body.

An adult Coral snake will grow to 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet long. Prey consists of frogs, lizards, and other snakes. Coral snakes are the only venomous snakes in Florida that are part of the cobra (Elapidae) family, therefore, they lay eggs.

From scrubs to swamps, Eastern Coral snakes can be found in numerous habitats throughout Florida. Because they spend most of their time hiding under logs or underground, an occasional Coral snake sighting can be a wonderful discovery.

A bite from this venomous snake is extremely rare, however, their bites are dangerous to pets and people. Bites occur when the Coral snake is threatened. When you discover a coral snake, simply give it space so we can peacefully coexist.

Photo credit: Dan Kon

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BioLab Road

BioLab Road at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.

Take a slow 5.6-mile drive in the comfort of your car on Bio Lab Road in Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. It is a one-way road running north to south. With wetlands to your right and the water to your left, you are sure to see plenty of shorebirds. Look for ducks, ibises, egrets, sandpipers, spoonbills, pelicans, herons, and of course, alligators. Be sure to bring your camera and binoculars.

In 1962, NASA purchased 140,000 acres of land located adjacent to Cape Canaveral. The John F. Kennedy Space Center was built complete with launch pads. In 1963, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) and NASA entered into an Interagency Agreement. This agreement allowed USFW to establish the land that was unused by NASA as the Merrit Island National Wildlife Refuge.

Established to provide habitat for wildlife diversity, migratory birds, and endangered and threatened species, Merrit Island National Wildlife Refuge consists of scrub, pine flatwoods, hardwood hammocks, saltwater marshes, freshwater impoundments, and coastal dunes. Over 1,500 species of plants and animals including 15 federally listed species make their homes here.

Watch for bobcats, otters, and deer. Lizards, snakes, alligators, and turtles make their homes here. 358 species of birds have been recorded at the refuge. Birds of prey include bald eagles, osprey, red-shouldered hawks, and American kestrels. Look for killdeer, Wilson’s snipes, and ring-billed gulls along the shore. Look up to see blue jays, barn swallows, American robins, pine warblers, and more. Blue herons, ibis, and egrets are plentiful. Ring-necked ducks, blue-winged teals, and wood ducks can be seen swimming in the waters at the refuge. Threatened and endangered species such as the eastern indigo snake, scrub-jay, gopher tortoise, wood stork, West Indian Manatee, and Southeastern Beach Mouse find refuge here.

For more information click here: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Merritt_Island/

Photo credit: David Gale

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Little Big Econ State Forest

Little Big Econ State Forest

Located in Geneva in eastern Seminole County, the Little Big Econ State Forest gets its name from both the Econlockhatchee River and the Little Econlockhatchee River. Econlockhatchee means “earth-mound stream” in the Muskogee language and was named by the native Americans for the numerous mounds found along the river.
Before being established on March 24, 1994, by the Florida Legislature, the property was used for cattle ranching, crops, as a turpentine distillery, and for a portion of the Florida East Coast Railway. Today, the 10,336 acres in the Little Big Econ State Forest are an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise.
Seventeen miles of the Econlockhatchee River, designated as an Outstanding Florida Waterway, flow through the forest before joining the St. Johns River on the eastern boundary. The Little Big Econ State Forest boasts a variety of habitats, including wet prairie, pine flatwoods, sandhill, scrub pine, flatwoods, scrub, sandhill, and oak-palm hammocks.
Over 160 bird species have been spotted in the forest, including Bachman’s sparrows, crested caracara, wood storks, swallow-tailed kites, and sandhill cranes. Look for fox squirrels, gopher frogs, gopher tortoises, turkeys, deer, and alligators.
The Little Big Econ State Forest has been named one of the country’s most family-friendly hikes by the American Hiking Society. Saunter along the 5.2-mile Kolokee Trail loop, discover wildlife along the 8 miles of the Florida National Scenic Trail, or explore any of the 15 miles of trails located within the forest.
Paddle all or a portion of the 20-mile-long Econlockhatchee River Paddling Trail. There are 12.1 miles of bicycle trails and 9.3 miles of equestrian trails complete with a water trough.
Primitive camping sites are available, and some have a picnic table and fire ring.
Reserve the picnic pavilion for your special events.
Enjoy your lunch at one of the picnic tables. Your leashed pets are welcome.

Whether for a day or a week, there is plenty to explore and discover at the Little Big Econ State Forest.

For trail maps and more information:

Photo credit: Christian Kon

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Fort Drum Marsh Conservation Area

Fort Drum Marsh Conservation Area

As part of the Upper St. Johns River Basin Project, Fort Drum Marsh Conservation Area includes a freshwater marsh at southernmost headwaters of the St. Johns River, a hardwood swamp, pine flatwoods, and a prairie. Together, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and St. Johns River Water Management District have restored the original wetlands which resulted in better water quality, flood control, and diverse animal and plant habitats.

Family-friendly recreational activities include hiking on some or all of the 5 miles of trails, picnicking, horseback riding, bicycling, primitive camping at designated sites, wildlife viewing, and canoeing. Saunter through a hardwood swamp on a boardwalk shaded by Cedar Cypress Trees as you make your way to Hog Island where you will find more trails to explore.

Look for migratory birds, bald eagles, owls and other raptors, sandhill cranes, turkeys, wood storks, caracara, white-tailed deer, dragonflies, turtles, and alligators. Discover the vast number of wildflowers and the pollinators who rely on them.

Dogs are welcome provided they are leashed at all times. Fort Drum Marsh Conservation Area, located about 10 miles east of Yeehaw Junction, is fun for all and is waiting for you to create memories to last a lifetime! Plan your trip today!

For a trail guide and more information:

Photo credit: Dan Kon, Aymee Laurain, Andy Waldo

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Snail Kite

Snail Kites can be found flying low over open freshwater and marshes in Central and Southern Florida before dropping down to snatch an apple snail with their talons. They will fly to a perch and use their unique-shaped bills to pry the snails from their shells. Look for Snail Kites roosting in flocks just before hunting and during nesting season.

Listed as endangered in Florida since 1967, Snail Kites (Rostrhamus sociabilis) depend on good quality water to survive. Urban development, sewage seepage, nutrient and pesticide run-off, and invasive plants have degraded much of Florida’s freshwater. Nearly 1/2 of the Everglades have been drained. Since a Snail Kite’s diet consists almost exclusively of apple snails that only live in freshwater areas, it is imperative that we protect the remaining wetlands.

Photo Credit: Andy Waldo

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Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

Once known as Tree Ducks, the striking Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, (Dendrocygna autumnalis), are often seen in flocks, sometimes with up to 1000 birds. They can be spotted perching on fences, electric lines, or in Spanish Moss.

Look for Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks near freshwater in areas such as marshes, lagoons, and swamps. They prefer areas with trees and thick vegetation. You may find a flock foraging in a field, mangroves, freshwater ponds or lakes, or your yard. Their diets consist of mostly plants such as grasses, wetland plants, and sedges, as well as agricultural crops such as corn. Snacks include spiders, leeches, beetles, and snails.

Pairs form life-long bonds in the winter. Together, they will select a tree cavity for the nest. The female will lay 9-18 eggs on the debris in the cavity. She may also lay her eggs in the nest of another whistling duck. The incubation period lasts for 25-30 days and the nestling period for 10-13 days. Hatchlings are nearly independent at birth.

As year-round residents of Florida, Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks are rapidly expanding their breeding range northward. Once considered non-migratory, both the northern-most and southern-most populations are now migratory.

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Sabal Point Sanctuary

In the Sabal Point neighborhood near Longwood lies 600 acres of wild Florida where wildlife play and wildflowers bloom. Sabal Point Sanctuary, purchased and maintained by Audubon Florida, is a 600+ acre piece of land that has a 1/2 mile frontage on the Little Wekiva and Wekiva Rivers. Together, the sanctuary along with St. Johns Water Management District protects 2500 acres where the rivers meet.

Hike or bike the 3.5-mile trail through the wetlands. Explore the shaded trail and discover deer, otters, and limpkins. Listen for a variety of birds and woodpeckers. The secluded trail provides plenty of opportunities to discover prints from wildlife who make their homes there. Take a moment to admire the beauty of orchids and other wildflowers that thrive in the ecosystem.

The iconic Florida Black Bear occasionally passes through the sanctuary. Most are shy and will be hard to spot. Curious bears may stand up to get a better look at you. You can ask the bear to move along simply by standing tall, raising your hands, clapping, and in a loud stern voice, telling the bear to Go Away.

Take some time to Get Outside and visit this piece of natural Florida. Sabal Point Sanctuary is open every day from sun up to sunset.

For more information: https://fl.audubon.org/conservation/sabal-point

Photo Credit: Andy Waldo

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Moss Park

Moss Park, an Orange County park located in Orlando, is a 1551-acre preserved habitat of wildlife and flora located between Lake Mary Jane and Lake Hart. The many hiking trails and roads in Moss Park make it the perfect spot for walks, bicycle trips, and car visits.

Discover Florida sandhill cranes, gopher tortoises, alligators, deer, raccoons, and many other animals. Moss Park also has a hiking trail with beautiful views that leads you to Split Oak Forest, the home to a 200-year-old live oak tree.

Moss Park provides 54 camping zones suitable for RV or tents. All campsites have fire rings, grills, picnic tables, water, and electricity. Moss Park also has five group sites available that can accommodate up to 450 campers when combined. A dock and boat ramps are available for the visitors and a playground is waiting for the kids to enjoy.

The park is open from 8 am to 8 pm every day except Christmas. Only service animals are permitted in Moss Park.

Gather the family and discover all that Moss Park has to offer. Bring your binoculars, a picnic lunch, and immerse yourself in Nature.

For more information: http://www.orangecountyfl.net/CultureParks/Parks.aspx…

Contributor: Steven Marquez – IOF Volunteer
Photo Credit: Steven Marquez

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Econ River Wilderness Area

Econ River Wilderness Area
Purchased by Seminole County in 1994, the 240-acre Econ River Wilderness Area is located south of Oviedo on the west side of the Econlockhatchee River.

Explore 3 miles of trails including the 2.2-mile Main Loop Trail and the 1/2-mile Flatwoods Loop Trail. Saunter through pine flatwoods, sandhill, oak hammocks, and river swamp habitats. Rest on one of the benches at the river.

Discover gopher tortoises, great horned owls, northern bobwhites, golden mice,
raccoons, fox squirrels, white-tailed deer, bobcats, river otters, and more who make their homes in the wilderness area.

Put on your hiking shoes, bring your horse or bike, your dog on a leash, and enjoy your day in the wilderness from sunrise to sunset. Join the nearly 40,000 people who visit the Econ River Wilderness Area each year. Don’t forget your camera.

For more information: http://www.seminolecountyfl.gov/…/Econ-River-Wilderness-Are…
Photo Credit – David Gale

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Lake Apopka

Lake Apopka—-
Located in the middle of the state northwest of Orlando, Lake Apopka is the fourth largest lake in the State of Florida. In the 1940s, Lake Apopka was a famous fishing area with more than 15 fishing camps around its shores. The lake was once so clear that one could fish by sight alone. Pitifully, the lake lost its charm and fish population due to the pollution caused by pesticides poured in the lake for 50 years by vegetable farms located along the shore. The pollution of the lake did not only decrease the population of fish but also the number of birds and plants in the area.
The pesticides poured by farmers into the lake introduced a high amount of phosphorus and nitrogen into the water and soil of Lake Apopka. The phosphorus is particularly polluting because it spawns algae blooms that cover the surface and keeps solar light and nutrients from getting to the bottom of the lake, causing the fish and flora below to die.
In the late 1900s, the Florida State Government bought the farmlands in an effort to reverse the damages caused to the ecosystem of the lake. Because Lake Apopka flows through the Apopka-Beauclair Canal and into Lakes Beauclair and Dora, the pollution in this lake is not an issue that regards only the Lake Apopka community. Many agencies, including Friends of Lake Apopka St. Johns River Water Management District, have helped restore and protect the habitat around the area.
The restoring process began by removing bottom-feeding gizzard shad fish, a type of fish that feeds on phosphorus, and replacing them with 1.5 million bass. If the population of gizzard shad decreases, so does the amount of phosphorus in the water. Thousands of acres on the shore have been turned into natural water filters that allow water to flow in off the lake and come back out cleaner than when it entered. Through the end of 2019, the natural filters, or marsh flow-way, alone have removed 65,174 pounds of phosphorus, 130,617,645 pounds of suspended solids, and 2,312,493 pounds of nitrogen from the lake. The water that flows from the lake to the marsh flow-way is brought back to the lake by pumps. Replanting native wetland species of vegetation in the water along the lake’s shoreline has also helped restore fish and wildlife habitat.
As the habitat is restored, more and more wildlife will also linger in the area. A variety of birds have returned and Lake Apopka now has one of the greatest diversities of bird species in North America. Lake Apopka has a Loop Trail that follows the lake’s edge covering more than 20 miles available for hiking and biking. The North Shore property also has a trail suitable for hiking, biking, and horseback riding on Clay Island, with four observation towers.
Another special attraction of this property is the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. The drive is a one-way, 11-mile drive through the property. During the trip, you can spot different types of animals and plants. It begins at Lust Road and ends on Jones Avenue in Orange County, Florida. Dogs are allowed but must be leashed at all times. Stopping is limited to designated pull-outs provided along the length of the drive. Also, keep in mind that no drinking water is provided in the park.
Thanks to the restoration, bobcats, bald eagles, great blue herons, otters, and alligators can be regularly spotted, so visiting Lake Apopka is a great opportunity to get outside, explore, and discover.
Author: Steven Márquez
Photo credit: Steven Marquez
Mangrum, Meghan. “Cautionary Tale: 20 years later, Lake Apopka is a 48-square-mile lesson in the importance of keeping pollution out of Florida’s waters in the first place.” Project Blue Ether.
St. Johns River Water Management District. “Lake Apopka North Shore.” SJRWMD.
St. Johns River Water Management District. “Aquatic plants tell us Lake Apopka’s water quality is improving.” SJRWMD.
Von Ancken, Erik. “How Lake Apopka went from Florida’s most polluted lake to the most promising.” Click Orlando. 24 August 2018.
WTFV 9. “9 Investigates cost of bringing Lake Apopka back to life.” WTFV. 17 February 2017.
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Key Deer

Key Deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) are members of the North American White-tailed Deer family. They are the smallest species and are endangered.

Found only in the Florida Keys, these beautiful animals were poached and suffered from habitat loss, leaving only a few dozen left in the wild. In 1967, Key Deer were listed as endangered. The protections afforded them under the listing, as well as the establishment of the Key Deer refuge, have brought their population up to nearly 1,000. Big Pine Key and No Name Key are home to 3/4 of the population.

Key Deer dine on over 150 species of native plants. Adult females weigh about 65 pounds, and adult males weigh about 85 pounds. During the rut, the males lock horns as they compete. Breeding takes place in the fall. Between late spring and early summer, does give birth to one white-spotted fawn. When startled, Key Deer will raise their tails, exposing their white fur.

Humans can be a threat to Key Deer. When visiting The Keys, drive slowly, especially at night and in the early morning. Keep them wild. Resist feeding Key Deer unhealthy human food.

Photo Credit: Aymee Laurain and Dan Kon

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Everglades National Park

Everglades National Park
Here are no lofty peaks seeking the sky, no mighty glaciers or rushing streams wearing away the uplifted land. Here is land, tranquil in its quiet beauty, serving not as the source of water, but as the last receiver of it.
~ President Harry Truman
Everglades National Park is the largest subtropical wilderness in the US. Its 1.5 million acres include swamps, marshes. mangroves, hardwood hammocks, pinelands, sawgrass, and slough ecosystems. It is designated an International Biosphere Reserve, a World Heritage Site, a Wetland of International Importance, and a protected area under the Cartagena Treaty.
Once measuring 11,000 square miles, the Everglades contained a slow-moving sheet of water which balanced the ecosystem in southern Florida. Colonial settlers saw the area as farmland. Developers found it suitable for development. In the early 1900s, the wetland was being drained for development. Years of human interference in this natural landscape severely damaged the ecosystem and imperiled the animals and plants who once thrived there.
Everglades National Park was established in 1947 at the insistence of scientists and conservationists to conserve the remaining natural landscape. Animal and plant species found only in the Everglades became protected. Many of the Everglades’ ecosystems are fire-dependent, therefore, a fire regime is in place. Prescribed burns not only assure that the animals and plants will survive but also thrive in their homeland. In 1977, Congress named 86% of the park the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Wilderness in honor of her relentless work on behalf of protecting the Everglades. There are 21 protected species in the wilderness and 1/3 of the area is submerged.
Everglades National Park provides boundless opportunities for research. Current research includes the study of invasive plants and animals as well as wildlife and hydraulic monitoring. Located on the edge of the Atlantic ocean that is experiencing sea level rise, the Everglades is the perfect place to study the changes already caused by Climate Change as well as future changes that are certain to occur.
Everglades National Park is waiting for you to explore the ecosystems and discover the endemic and legally protected animal and plant species. Look for abundant alligators, white-tailed deer, and bobcats. Discover rare and endangered species such as American Crocodiles, Florida Panthers, and West Indian Manatees.
There is plenty to explore and discover at Everglades National Park. Guided tours, boating, and hiking are wonderful ways to learn about the park. Camping sites are available for RV’s and tents. For the more adventurous, Marjory Stoneman Douglas Wilderness offers primitive camping complete with dark night skies for stargazing.
Temperatures average 53°F to 77°F from December through April. May through November is the wet season when the humidity and temperatures are high. There are 4 entrances, each with their own unique areas to explore. Be sure to click on the link below to plan your trip.
Photo Credit: Aymee Laurain
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Eastern Cottontail

The Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) is best known for the white puffy fur on its tail’s underside. Cottontails grow to 14 – 17 inches in length and weigh two to four pounds. Their cotton-like tail is most noticeable when they hop.

Cottontails can be found in woodlands, fields, briar patches, bushy areas, and yards. They are herbivores often seen dining on clover, grasses, and other green vegetation. When greens are not available, Cottontails will seek out young woody shoots and bark. You will often see these solitary rabbits in the early morning or evening.

Breeding can occur any time during the year but happens most often in February through September. In about a month, the mother cottontail will give birth to a litter of 4 – 7 rabbit kittens. Female Cottontails can produce 3-4 litters each year.

Cottontails will stand on their hind feet to look for predators such as hawks, foxes, coyotes, or weasels. When one is spotted, these speedy rabbits can run up to 15 miles an hour and hop distances of up to 15 feet in a single leap.



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Your Neighborhood

In Your Neighborhood

Get outside. Stroll through your neighborhood. Connect with Nature.
Listen to the leaves rustling in the wind and the birds chirping among the branches. Admire the beauty of a dead tree or limb while considering the wildlife who depend on them.
Look for tiny wildflowers peeking from under a shrub. Pause for a few minutes and immerse yourself in the busy life of a bug or an ant colony. Our wild friends are as curious about us as we are of them. When you meet one, cherish the moment.
Inhale deeply. Exhale all of your negative thoughts. Let your cares be swept away on the wings of a bird soaring with the wind.

Photo credit: Dan Kon

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Red-headed Woodpecker

It’s spring in Central Florida. While sauntering through a pine savannah, you catch a streak of red out of the corner of your eye. When you look that way, it’s gone. You catch another glimpse, but just as fast, it’s gone. Finally, it lands on a pine tree. It’s a beautiful red-headed woodpecker!

These fascinating little birds are sexually dimorphic, which means males and females have different appearances. The female is a plain brown and grey color while the male is a vibrant black, white, and red. They are monogamous and will stay together for years.

The red-headed woodpecker is a resident of open forests from Canada to Florida and west to Texas. They reside year-round in Florida in pine forests with open forest floors, in orchards, and tall trees in neighborhoods.

Red-headed woodpeckers are cavity nesters and require dead trees or limbs where they excavate their nests. They prefer open areas, including recently burned sites. Both will take part in creating the nest, however, most of the handwork is done by the male. Both the male and female incubate 4-5 eggs and share feeding the young.

Food is plentiful for this omnivorous bird. Red-headed woodpeckers dine on insects, spiders, earthworms, as well as fruit, seeds, and berries. In the fall, these smart woodpeckers gather nuts and store them in crevices and holes for winter nourishment.

 Sadly, these birds have experienced over a 70% decline in population since the 1960s. With tree removal becoming a more common practice in urban areas and forest management, these birds are left with few places to raise their young. If you have a dead tree in your yard that isn’t causing a safety problem, you may consider leaving it be.  Perhaps you will get some lovely new neighbors who will entertain you for hours.

Photo Credit: Andy Waldo

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Carolina Wren

Quietly sit outside, and you will likely see a pair of busy Caroline Wrens. They are common in backyards and open woods. Listen, and you will hear their song, often with the male producing resonant melodies while the female chirps along.

Carolina Wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) dine on caterpillars, beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, spiders, larvae, and other insects, as well as fruit, seeds, and berries. They use their bills to search for food while hopping or flying on or near the ground. They forage together near the safety of shrubs or bushes in gardens, thickets, brush piles, barks of trees and limbs, and may occasionally stop at your birdfeeder for a treat.

Mated for life, Carolina Wrens will defend their permanent territory. They work together to construct their nest where they will raise 3 broods of 4-8 young each year. Their nests can be found in tree holes, branches, stumps, and brushes. They can also be found in mailboxes, window boxes, garages, artificial wreaths hung on your front door, and a variety of other human-provided safe nesting spots. The couple builds the nest out of twigs, leaves, and weeds with a side opening and oftentimes, with a domed roof. The female lines the nest with soft materials of grass, moss, feathers, animal hair, and/or snakeskin. The male brings meals to the female while she incubates the eggs for two weeks. Both parents feed the chicks for two weeks before they leave the nest.

Has a Carolina Wren pair claimed your yard as their permanent territory?

Photo Credit Andy Waldo

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Your Yard

Connect with Nature in your own backyard.
Walk around and appreciate what is blooming, the little crawling critters, and the pollinators flitting or buzzing from flower to flower.
Sit on the ground, play in the dirt, and meet what life abounds there.
Grab a lawn chair, and sit in your front yard. Be still and listen to the birds. Look up to see who is perched in the trees and who is soaring overhead.
Be one with Nature or ask a family member or friend to join you.  Two sets of eyes on the lookout for wildlife is a good thing and the benefit from socializing will be a much-needed reprieve.

Photo credit: Andy Waldo

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Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park

Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park

“This park is like nothing else in Florida. Being able to see the stars at night in unbelievable detail was absolutely worth the trip.” Jonathan Holmes, IOF Contributor

There is a place in Florida that is world-renowned for stargazing. Designated as a Dark Sky Park due to the absence of light pollution, the stars and planets can be enjoyed the way nature intended.

Located in Okeechobee, Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park is part of the headwaters to the Everglades and is the largest remaining dry prairie ecosystem in Florida. Once spanning coast to coast and from Lake Okeechobee to Kissimmee, the prairie has been reduced to a mere 10% of its original expanse.

Throughout the years, humans have altered the prairie to suit their needs. The State Park is working to restore the land to pre-European influence. Over 70 miles of ditches and canals have been restored to swales and sloughs. Old plow lines are slated for reconditioning, and a cattle pasture will be restored to native shrubs and grasses. As a fire and flood dependent ecosystem, these efforts will allow the prairie to thrive once again.

The most famous resident of the prairie is the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow. Critically endangered, the sparrows rely on a healthy prairie ecosystem for survival. Crested Caracaras, Burrowing Owls, Wood Storks, Swallow-Tail Kites, and White-Tail Kites find refuge at the park. Watch for Bald Eagles, White-tailed Deer, and Indigo Snakes. Native wildflowers are abundant. Look for Blazing Stars, Yellow Bachelors Buttons, Meadow Beauty, Pipewort, and Alligator Lilies.

There is plenty to do at Kissimmee Prairie Preserve. Hiking, horseback riding, and biking are wonderful ways to experience Nature up close. Camping, primitive camping, and equestrian camping are offered for those who want to spend the night. A ranger-led prairie buggy tour and an astronomy pad are spectacular ways to enjoy the park.

For reservations, times, fees, and more click here:

Photo Credit – Jonathan Holmes

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Purple Gallinule

Plumage in shades of purple, teal, indigo, and olive, along with a yellow-tipped red bill and bright yellow legs, make this bird hard to miss. Purple gallinules (Porphyrio martinicus) are noisy rails that are most often found near freshwater marshes, ponds, and swamps. You may find them swimming, walking on lily pads, or in the branch of a tree.

In the spring and summer, a pair of Purple Gallinules will build one or more nests at or above the water level. The nests are supported by strong vegetation at the water’s edge and are made of grasses, cattails, and other vegetation found nearby. Raising babies is a family affair. Both the male and female incubate 5-10 eggs for 22-25 days. Once hatched, the mother, father, and older siblings help feed the babies until they are 9 weeks old and able to fly.

Purple Gallinules are omnivorous. You may find them pecking the ground like a chicken as they forage along the shore for fruit, seeds, insects, worms, or snails. They will nod their head in the water while looking for tasty aquatic greens or a fish dinner.

When you see a Purple Gallinule, spend some time watching this gorgeous bird with quirky movements. Note how their feathers appear to change color when they move from sunshine to shade. You will be amazed at how the Purple Gallinule’s brilliant colors perfectly blend into Florida’s wetlands.

Photo Credit: Andy Waldo

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Eastern Hognose Snake

Eastern Hognose Snakes (Heterodon platirhinos) are found throughout Florida, with the exception of the Keys. Their habitat is diverse and includes scrub, sandhills, turkey oak woodlands, hardwood hammocks, pine woodlands, meadows, and even cultivated fields. Hognose snakes secrete a mild venom that is toxic to their prey. They are not known to cause serious injuries to humans; however, some people may show signs of an allergy if bitten.

Hognose snakes are thick-bodied and vary in color from solid gray or black to various shades of brown, yellow, orange, olive, or red with large, randomly shaped markings. The underside can be off-white, gray, or yellow, with the bottom side of the tail lighter in color. An average adult grows to 20-35 inches. Hognose snakes breed in spring. Females lay 15-25 leathery eggs in sandy soil or under logs. In 1-2 months, the hatchlings break free of their eggs and are 6 1/2 to 9 1/2 inches long.

Active only during daylight hours, Hognose snakes use their blunt noses to search through soil and leaf litter for their meals. They may dine on frogs, insects, salamanders, and invertebrates, but toads are their favorite dinner. When a toad is threatened, it will puff itself up. Immune to the toad’s poison, Hognose snakes are equipped with rear fangs, which enable them to pop the toad-like a balloon before swallowing it whole.

Eastern Hognose Snakes are best known for their dramatic display when warding off danger. Also known as a Puff Adder, a hognose snake will suck in air, flatten its head, rise like a cobra, and hiss when a threat is detected. With its mouth closed, it may strike. If this display does not scare away the predator, the hognose will flip itself over and imitate death. It may convulse, regurgitate, and emit foul-smelling fecal matter before becoming completely still with its mouth open and tongue hanging out. When the danger passes, the Hognose snake will simply roll over and get on with enjoying its day.

Photo Credit: Andy Waldo

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Florida Reef Gecko

The Florida Reef Gecko (Sphaerodactylus notatus) is the smallest lizard in the United States. They are tiny, only growing to 2 – 2.25 inches. They have a rounded body with large, overlapping scales on their backs. The body and tail are covered with dark spots on a brown background. Females have three broad, dark stripes on their heads.

The Florida Reef Gecko is found in the Dry Tortugas, Florida Keys, and southeastern mainland Florida. They can be found in pinelands, hammocks, and vacant lots. They are active at dusk and feed on tiny insects and spiders. Females lay one egg at a time. When born, hatchlings are over an inch long.

The Florida Reef Gecko could be impacted by human development as well as competition from introduced geckos. The only native gecko in Florida, the Florida Reef Gecko abundant within its range.

Photo credit: FWC


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Old Miakka Preserve

Old Miakka Preserve

Named after a settlement in the 1840s, Old Miakka Preserve contains four miles of trails, including scrub habitat, pinewood flatwood, and wetlands. The preserve is abundant in flowering plants with numerous pollinators and occasional gopher tortoises. One of the trails is named after Horticulturalist Tim Cash, who spent years studying plants within the preserve. If you are looking for a calm trail with lots of sunshine and flowers, visit Old Miakka Preserve in Sarasota, FL.

For more information: https://www.scgov.net/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/547/4327?cftype=FacilityDirectory

Photo credit: Aymee Laurain

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Gray Fox

The Gray Fox is a member of the dog family, Canidae. This fox is common in Florida and can be found statewide except for the Keys. Their preferred habitat is dense cover in thickets, forests, or swamps.

The Gray Fox is also known as the Tree Fox as they are the only fox species that climb trees to evade predators and hunt prey. Gray foxes climb in a scrambling motion, grasping the tree trunk with their forepaws and forcing themselves higher with long claws on their hind feet.

Gray Fox’s diet consists of small mammals, insects, fruits, acorns, birds, amphibians, reptiles, carrion, and eggs. Due to their ability to climb, squirrels are an important source of food. Rabbits, mice, and rats are their preferred food.

The upper side of their bodies is salt and pepper gray. The nose and the sides of its muzzle are black. A black line extends from the corner of their eyes to their neck. The sides of their neck, backs, legs, the underside of their tails, and the base of their ears are all bright reddish-orange. A black stripe runs along the bushy tail, which measures 11 to 16 Inches. Gray Foxes grow to a height of 15 inches and 21 to 30 inches in body length. They weigh 7 to 13 pounds.

Gray Fox dens are located in hollow logs, ground burrows, beneath boulders, and even under buildings in areas where the foxes have become acclimated to people. The breeding season occurs from late January to March. Females give birth to 3-7 dark-brown, blind pups after 50 to 55 days. The male stays with his mate to care for the young, which are weaned at about 2 months. By 3 months, they leave the den with their parents, who teach them to hunt. They stay with their parents until late summer or fall.

Photo Credit: Broward County Parks and Recreation Division
Gray Fox at Highlands Scrub Natural Area, Pompano Beach.

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Coquina (“co-keen-ah”) is a sedimentary rock consisting of loosely consolidated fragments of both shells and coral. The cemented fragments are generally

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Little Grass Frog

The Little Grass Frog (Pseudacris ocularis), is the smallest of frogs. They are only 1/2 an inch long and range in color from light beige to dark brown and tan. They have dark eye strips extending along the side of the body and thin white strips above the lip and below the eye.  Their pads are tiny and their long toes are slightly webbed. Despite the frog’s size, The Little Grass Frog can jump 20 times its body length.

The Little Grass Frog will lay between 1 to 25 creamy brown eggs on vegetation or submerged debris. The eggs hatch in less than 2 days.  From tadpole to frog, metamorphosis lasts only 10 days. 

Look for the Little Grass Frog in wet prairies and flooded grassy meadows. They are active during the day and can be found climbing among the grasses.

Listen for The Little Grass Frog’s high-pitched chirp in grassy areas.  It is difficult to hear. If you hear the chirping, it is usually at night when the humidity is high or when it is raining.

To hear the Little Grass Frog call go to:

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Turkey Buzzard

Let’s talk about the Turkey Buzzard (Cathartes aura), nature’s sanitation engineer, and when joined by friends, the ultimate clean-up crew.

Turkey Buzzards are also known as Turkey Vultures. They have black or dark brown feathers, and their featherless heads and necks have pink skin. They are between 25 to 32 inches in length and weigh up to 6 pounds. They have a wingspan of 54 inches.

Turkey vultures use thermal currents to float on the warm air currents without flapping their wings, conserving energy. They will travel 30 to 50 miles on these currents in search of food. Their bills and feet are not designed to catch prey, and they prefer to eat fresh roadkill and other carrion.

The Turkey Buzzard has a keener sense of smell than other birds. They can smell the chemical breakdown of carrion from a mile away and will float and follow the aroma until they find it. Their bald, featherless heads make it safer for them to stick their heads deep into the carrion, and nothing will stick to the smooth skin.

As carrion eaters, many consider Turkey Buzzards spooky and harbingers of death. If you see one of these vultures circling above you, it doesn’t mean you are about to die. These Buzzards have a unique and ecological role because they prevent the spread of disease from rotting carrion by eating it.

Since they have weak legs and cannot carry food back to their young, they will gorge on a carcass and regurgitate to feed the young. They will also urinate on their legs and feet to cool off. Their urine kills any parasites and bacteria from walking and standing on the carcasses. When threatened, they will vomit to lighten their body weight to escape as a defense mechanism against predators.

Turkey vultures are highly social. They will fly in a small group and breed annually with the same mate. The vulture can be found in pastures, landfills, or anywhere they can find carrion. Eggs are laid on the ground in dense thickets, scrub areas, hollow logs, caves, or old buildings. The Turkey Buzzard lays between one to four clutches from March to July. Their eggs hatch in 35 to 40 days, and the nesting period is 55 to 90 days.

Vultures are a protected species, which means that interfering with them physically has legal repercussions.

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Sand Crabs

Sand Crabs are also known as mole crabs or sand fleas. These crustaceans are smaller than a human thumb. The two species predominant on Florida beaches are Emerita talpoida and Emerita benedicti. They are silvery or white in color and seem transparent. The Crabs have antennae, which they use to catch plankton for food. They have no claws and do not bite or sting. The Sand Crabs live between two to three years. The crabs are food for fish, Florida shorebirds, and water birds. They feed on micro-organisms found in the Florida beach sand. That means that they ingest any toxins that might be affecting the shore or the water. Environmental engineers and scientists are able to conclude the health of the ocean based on the condition of sand crabs.

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Lightning Bug

Let’s be a kid again with the Firefly/Lightning Bug!

Remember those nights of wandering outside in the spring and summer and being surrounded by amazing little flying strobe lights. They would come out at dusk and stay only for a few hours. We captured them in glass jars and looked in amazement as we tried to figure out how their lights worked.

Fireflies are a good indicator species for the health of an environment. Unfortunately, these little miracles of life are on the decline throughout the world because of overdevelopment, pesticide use, and yes, light pollution.

The best thing you can do to support fireflies is to stop using lawn chemicals and broad-spectrum pesticides. Firefly larvae eat other undesirable insects. They are nature’s natural pest control.
If you miss seeing these little buggers, you’ll be happy to know Central Florida’s firefly season is at the end of March and early April. In fact, Blue Springs State Park stays open a little past their usual closing time and has guided tours at this time so you can enjoy nature’s light show. 

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Burrowing Owl

Florida Burrowing Owls are small owls with long legs and short tails. The head is rounded and does not have ear tufts. They are between 7-9 inches tall with a 21-inch wingspan. Burrowing owls have brown back feathers with patches of white spots. As well as a white underside with brown bar-shaped spots. The body color pattern helps them blend in with the vegetation in their habitat and avoid predators. They also have large yellow eyes and a white chin. They make their burrows in sandy prairies and pastures with very little vegetation. Due to development, the majority of Florida’s Burrowing Owls have had to adapt to living in urban habitats such as golf courses, ball fields, residential lawns, and other expanses of cleared lands. They are a very social species. Families will live in close proximity to each other. They are the only species of owl in the world that nests underground. They will dig their own burrows, or occupy burrows, up to 8 feet in length, that have been dug out by a Gopher Tortoise. They are active more during the day than the night. The female lays 6-8 eggs and incubates them, while the father stands guard outside and collects cockroaches, lizards, insects, and rodents. The chicks take several weeks to learn to fly. Before that, they take short runs along the ground. The Florida Burrowing Owl is listed as threatened due to loss of habitation and harassment by humans and domesticated animals.

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Horse Conch

The state shell of Florida,  designated in 1969., is the Horse Conch (Triplofusus giganteu).  The word “conch” comes from a Greek word meaning “shell.” The Horse Conch is the largest snail found in American waters and can grow to a length of two feet.  It’s easily identified by the bright orange body. The shell is grayish-white to salmon in color and covered with a brown, scaly outer layer, that you will see peeling. The 10 whorls of the shell are knobbed. Young shells are orange. The animal inside the shell is orange to brick red in color. The shell protects their soft bodies from predators. Horse Conchs use a foot that extends from their shell to drag the shell along.

Horse Conchs are commonly found in seagrass beds and reefs. This snail is carnivorous and will feed on clams and mussels as well as other snails. They consume algae and detritus (poop and parts of dead organic matter.) The female attaches capsule-like structures to rock or old shells. Each capsule contains several dozen eggs. Not all eggs are fertile. Non-fertile eggs are eaten by those who are maturing in the same capsule. When the young emerge they are an orange color and usually 3.5 inches in diameter.

Commercial harvesting requires a permit and there are limits. In some areas, it’s illegal to collect them. Lee County does not allow their harvest and Manatee county does not allow more than two per day. Keep in mind that while it may be tempting to collect large numbers of shells, other organisms rely on their shells for a safe living space after the conch dies. It’s best to admire Horse Conchs for a brief time and leave it for someone else to appreciate.

The Horse Conch’s predators are primarily humans who use them for their shells and food. Other predators are octopuses who use their suction cups to suck the conch out of its shell. Some starfish can slip one of their arms into the opening of the conch and then force their stomach out and ingest the conch right from its shell. 

This photograph shows how Horse Conchs make little Horse Conchs.

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Green Sea Turtle

Marine habitats surrounding the Keys provide habitat for threatened and endangered species. The Florida population of Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) has been considered endangered since 1978. The declining population has been a victim of commercial harvesting for eggs and food and incidental bycatch in the shrimp fishery. Florida is an important sea turtle nesting area. The majority of nesting in Florida occurs between May 1st and October 31st. About 90% of all sea turtle nesting in the United States occurs on Florida’s beaches. To prevent nesting and hatchling turtles from wandering off track, your beachfront property should use sea turtle-friendly lighting. Never touch a sea turtle or pick up the hatchling; it interferes with the process of imprinting on their beach.

The Green Sea Turtle has a rounded, oval body with a distinctive smaller head. Its name is derived from the greenish fat in its upper and lower shell. Incubation lasts approximately sixty days. As the nursery due date, between 4 to 5 days, comes closer, a depression forms in the sand that indicates hatchling movements. Soon, the babies begin digging out en masse to start their journey to the water’s edge. The reflection of the moonlight on the water inspires their pathway to the sea. Turtles deposit approximately 100 golf-ball-sized eggs, gently cover the eggs with sand, and then spread sand over a wide area to obscure the chamber’s exact location. A single female may nest several times during a season and then not nest again for one or two years. A male Sea Turtle never leaves the ocean. The Turtles live between 12 to 50 years. Once in the water, the hatchlings swim directly out to sea, facing a struggle to survive to adulthood. They range in size between 3 to 5 feet and weigh anywhere between 240 to 420 pounds. They mainly eat seagrass and algae, the only sea turtle that is herbivorous as an adult. Their jaws are finely serrated, which aids in tearing vegetation. The estimate is there are between 85,000 to 90,000 nesting females. It may seem like many nesting females are laying eggs, but the Green Sea Turtle is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future.

Photo Credit: Ira Wendorf – frontal view

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Florida is famous for many things, one of them being the only environment on earth where American Alligators and American Crocodiles coexist. You may wonder what the difference is between the two. While they are related and do look very similar, crocodiles and alligators have some major differences. Crocodiles exist both in freshwater and saltwater, whereas alligators prefer freshwater environments.

The obvious difference is their appearances. Crocodiles have longer, pointier snouts. Alligators have shorter, more rounded snouts. When an alligator has its mouth shut, you won’t see any of its teeth. When a crocodile has its mouth shut, its back teeth stick up over the top lip. Because they are broader, alligator snouts are stronger than crocodile snouts, which allows them to crush hard-shelled prey such as turtles. Crocodiles are typically lighter in color, with tans and brown colors. Alligators are darker, showing more gray and black colors. Both members are excellent hunters. They have sharp, above-water vision, night vision, sensitive hearing, and vertical pupils that take in additional light. Both have small sensory pits along their jaws that allow them to detect pressure changes in the water and locate and capture prey. They both prefer to swallow large chunks or swallow their prey whole. Crocodiles have higher-functioning salt glands that allow them to excrete higher amounts of salt from water than alligators can. Alligator glands do not function as strongly, which makes them less tolerant of saltwater environments, so they prefer freshwater. Crocodiles can successfully migrate across multiple bodies of salt and fresh water.

American Alligators are regarded as more docile than crocodiles, only attacking if hungry or provoked. American Crocodiles are shy and reclusive. Crocodiles prefer to spend more time in the water. Alligators prefer to sunbathe on the banks or in the mud close to the water. Female alligators will continuously mate with the same male alligators for life. Crocodile babies come from multiple mates. Crocodiles live longer than alligators. The average lifespan of a crocodile is between 70-100 years, while an alligator’s average lifespan is usually between 30-50 years.
It would be best to avoid contact with both animals at all costs.

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Florida mouse

The Florida mouse (Podomys floridanus) is the State’s only endemic mammal. This mouse is a microhabitat specialist, centering its activities on gopher tortoise burrows in sand pine scrub or longleaf pine, turkey oak habitats. Florida mice construct their own burrows within the larger burrow of the gopher tortoise. Each adult female mouse uses about two tortoise burrows, alternating her residency with successive litters. Females begin to breed when they reach a weight of approximately 27 grams. Litter size is between 2-4 and the young mature very slowly. Occasionally two adult females will use the same tortoise burrow. Their diet consists of crickets, ticks, fruit, seeds, and berries. A baby of a Florida mouse is called a pinkie, kitten, or pup. The females are called does and the males are known as bucks. A Florida mouse group is called a nest, colony, harvest, horde, or mischief. They are listed as Vulnerable, considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. It is on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. They are not on the federally protected species list. They average between 5 to 8 inches long, and their tails are between 2 to 3.5 inches long, weighing between 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce. The Florida mouse has soft silky fur that is brown or brownish-orange in color. Its underparts are white. Their ears are large and furless. Their tails are long, and their back paws are large in size and have 5 pads. Their teeth are sharp, and they use them for gnawing. They are nocturnal, resting in their nest during the day and active at night searching for food. They communicate by emitting high-pitched squeals, and when they are excited, they thump the ground with their front paws producing a drumming sound. The Florida mouse also has a distinctive odor, almost like a skunk. They are also known to carry several diseases such as hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, salmonellosis, leptospirosis, and tularemia, which can be transmitted to humans.
If one should enter your house, be sure to use a live trap and release the Florida mouse outside where Nature intended.


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Florida Worm Lizard

The Florida Worm Lizard (Rhineura floridana) is neither a worm nor a lizard. It is the only member of the genus Rhineura. This odd little creature has no eyes. It spends most of its time underground and does not need vision. In the event of heavy rain, you may see these odd fellows above ground. They feed on any invertebrate they can, including spiders, earthworms, maggots, and ants. To make them even weirder, they are sex-less in that they are neither male nor female. They reproduce by a process called parthenogenesis. This means that they basically make clones of themselves. A benefit of this method is that they do not need to find a mate which could be difficult when you spend your life in the dirt. Our most common ancestors are the Amniota. This section of our clade represents animals that develop from an egg, either internal or external. The Florida worm lizard may not be the cutest creatures, but we think there is something lovable about these unique little underdogs. 

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Black Vulture

The Black Vulture, Coragyps atratus, is smaller than the Turkey Vulture, although it still is a large raptor. They have a dull black head and body with wrinkles covering their head and face. The tips of their bills are gray, and their legs are pale white. Black Vultures have a wingspan of 54 inches, and their wings have white tips on the underside. They weigh 3 to 5 pounds and stand 22 inches tall. While in flight, they will hold their wings flat and flap them more often than the Turkey Vulture.

Black Vultures are monogamous, often not straying far from their mate. Females will lay 1 to 4 egg clutches between February and June in caves, hollow logs, or thickets. Although they do not build nests, they will dig a hollow and put vegetation around to secure. The nesting period can be up to 100 days, with the eggs hatching within 40 days. Together, they will feed their young for up to 8 months. This dependence helps establish the strong social bonds these birds exhibit.

As carrion eaters, they are often found in landfills or along roadways where they feed on roadkill. They will usually return to known food sources instead of actively hunting. Black Vultures do not have the keen sense of smell that other vultures have and must find their food by sight. You will find them roosting in tall trees or on electrical pylons where they can easily spot food in open areas.

The Black Vulture is protected under Federal Law and can not be killed without a permit from the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Photo Credit: Dan Kon




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American Alligator

American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) are found across Florida. These large, water-dwelling reptiles have a powerful bite and should be treated with extreme respect. They will generally seek to swim away if approached. However, if they think their young are in danger or if they feel threatened, they will strike out at the perceived danger. Alligators have round snouts, range between 9.5 to 15 feet, weigh as much as 1000 lbs. and have a maximum speed of 20 mph in the water. The alligator is a rare success story of an endangered species not only saved from extinction but that is now thriving. State and federal protections, habitat preservation efforts, and reduced demand for alligator products have improved the species’ wild population to more than one million today. They live nearly exclusively in freshwater rivers, lakes, swamps, and marshes. The hatchlings are usually 6 to 8 inches long with yellow and black stripes. Juveniles fall prey to dozens of predators, including birds, raccoons, bobcats, and other alligators, so they will stay with their mothers for about two years. They are opportunists and will eat just about anything, carrion, pets, and, in rare instances, humans. They feed mainly on fish, turtles, snakes, and small mammals. Adult alligators are apex predators critical to the biodiversity of their habitat.

Alligators get a bad reputation, but as long as we respect them from a distance, we have no reason to fear them. Alligators have ears directly behind their eyes. Do you see that part that looks like this alligator’s eyes are smiling? That’s its ear. The structure of the ear is designed to pinpoint sound rather than hear a vast amount of sound.

Female alligators lay between 32-50 eggs. If these eggs are hatched in the wild and not a hatchery, there is a chance that only a few eggs will survive. Predators such as birds, snakes, raccoons, otters, bobcats, bass, and other alligators can eat their eggs. According to FWC, an average of 25 eggs will hatch, but only about 10 alligators will survive their first year. These eggs and small gators become food so that other species can survive. In turn, large alligators may eat these same animals to ensure their survival. It’s all about balancing out populations.

If you see an alligator, don’t touch it. Take a few pictures and observe from a distance. In most cases, if you get too close, an alligator maybe become afraid and swim away. Alligators wait patiently for animals to come near and then use all their energy at once to take down their prey. This is one way they conserve energy.

Check out this awesome video about alligators that is written and produced by IOF volunteers and Valencia students Samantha Householder and Sydney Householder.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKS-8XOAzdQ


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