
National Key Dear Refuge

National Key Dear Refuge

Established in 1957 to protect and preserve in the national interest the Key deer and other wildlife resources, the 9,200-acre National Key Dear Refuge consists of salt marsh wetlands, mangrove forests, freshwater wetlands, pine rockland forests, and tropical hardwood hammocks. Twenty-three endangered and/or threatened animals and plants live in the refuge.

National Key Dear Refuge is surrounded by saltwater and easily accessible on Big Pine Key. Because of karst bedrock, freshwater is stored in the bedrock’s holes and crevices. This freshwater is necessary for Key Deer and other plant and animal species to thrive.

Visiting National Key Dear Refuge on Big Pine Key:

Drive the Speed Limit. Key Deer and other wildlife share the roads with you.

Be sure to stop at the Visitor Center to learn about how to avoid poisonwood trees and stay safe on a trail where you may encounter snakes and alligators.

Saunter along the trails at The Blue Hole. https://www.imagineourflorida.org/blue-hole/

Discover endangered Bartram’s scrub hairstreak butterflies, endangered Lower Keys marsh rabbits, and the endangered Key Deer. https://www.imagineourflorida.org/key-deer/

There are 40 species of reptiles, including alligators and crocodiles, waiting to be discovered. Look for over 250 migratory and resident bird species, including the rarely seen Mangrove Cuckoo. Snakes, including the threatened Eastern Indigo call the refuge home.

Leashed dogs are welcome.

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Photo credit: Dan Kon, Nancy Kon, Christian Kon

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Blue Hole in Big Pine Key

The Blue Hole in the National Key Deer Refuge

Located on Big Pine Key, the Blue Hole offers a short trail and observation deck where you can immerse yourself in nature.

The Blue Hole is a large sinkhole. The sinkhole became a quarry and the limestone was used to construct roads in The Keys as well as Henry Flagler’s Oversea Railroad. After being included in the National Key Deer Refuge, the Blue Hole was replanted with native vegetation and returned to nature.

The water in the blue hole is a freshwater lens. This means that freshwater from rainwater floats on top of the saltwater that lies underneath. The Blue Hole provides a unique ecosystem for the wild plants and wildlife that thrive there.

The Blue Hole is included in the Florida Keys Birding and Wildlife Trail. Look for Key Deer, fish, alligators, turtles, iguanas, and a variety of birds (including wading birds), and snakes.

Sea level rise is an immediate threat to the Blue Hole. Lying only 3 to 6 feet above sea level, freshwater in wetlands in the Keys will become brackish or saltwater habitats if the sea level continues to rise. Mud turtles, marsh rabbits, and endangered Key Deer will be impacted by the loss of freshwater. When we make choices that protect our planet from climate change, we ultimately are protecting Florida and all of its inhabitants.

Photo credit: Dan Kon, Christian Kon

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