
Hidden Waters Preserve

Once known as the Eichelberger Sink, this 90-acre preserve located near Eustis is managed by Lake County Water Authority. Hidden Waters Preserve was established in 1996 to protect the water seepage and Lake Alfred where water slowly seeps into the aquifer.

Hidden Waters Preserve offers 6 trails ranging from 2 miles to 15 miles. Hike the meandering paths through sandhill restoration areas. Notice the newly planted Long-leaf pines and the gopher tortoises who make their burrows there. Water flowing from a seepage slope offers the opportunity to discover various plants and ferns.

The elevational difference between the top of the sink and the bottom is 110 feet. Explore the depression marsh and lake at the bottom of the sink where you will find a variety of plants and wading birds. Bird watchers will be happy to discover some of the more than 35 birds on this designated FWC Statewide Birding Trail.

For more information and trail maps click here: https://www.lcwa.org/land_resources/open_preserves.php

Photo Credit: Dan Kon


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BioLab Road

BioLab Road at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.

Take a slow 5.6-mile drive in the comfort of your car on Bio Lab Road in Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. It is a one-way road running north to south. With wetlands to your right and the water to your left, you are sure to see plenty of shorebirds. Look for ducks, ibises, egrets, sandpipers, spoonbills, pelicans, herons, and of course, alligators. Be sure to bring your camera and binoculars.

In 1962, NASA purchased 140,000 acres of land located adjacent to Cape Canaveral. The John F. Kennedy Space Center was built complete with launch pads. In 1963, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) and NASA entered into an Interagency Agreement. This agreement allowed USFW to establish the land that was unused by NASA as the Merrit Island National Wildlife Refuge.

Established to provide habitat for wildlife diversity, migratory birds, and endangered and threatened species, Merrit Island National Wildlife Refuge consists of scrub, pine flatwoods, hardwood hammocks, saltwater marshes, freshwater impoundments, and coastal dunes. Over 1,500 species of plants and animals including 15 federally listed species make their homes here.

Watch for bobcats, otters, and deer. Lizards, snakes, alligators, and turtles make their homes here. 358 species of birds have been recorded at the refuge. Birds of prey include bald eagles, osprey, red-shouldered hawks, and American kestrels. Look for killdeer, Wilson’s snipes, and ring-billed gulls along the shore. Look up to see blue jays, barn swallows, American robins, pine warblers, and more. Blue herons, ibis, and egrets are plentiful. Ring-necked ducks, blue-winged teals, and wood ducks can be seen swimming in the waters at the refuge. Threatened and endangered species such as the eastern indigo snake, scrub-jay, gopher tortoise, wood stork, West Indian Manatee, and Southeastern Beach Mouse find refuge here.

For more information click here: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Merritt_Island/

Photo credit: David Gale

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Mullet Lake Park

– Mullet Lake Park-

Located in Geneva in Seminole County, Mullet Lake Park is best known for its 8 primitive camping sites, its group camping site, and boat launches. The 55-acre park borders Lake Mullet and the St Johns River. This quaint park offers the opportunity to sit and relax under ancient oak trees as you take in the sights and sounds at this remote location.

Listen for the sounds of birds, fish jumping, and frogs croaking. Look for birds of prey, shorebirds, and a variety of blooming wildflowers waiting to be admired.

For more information click here: https://www.seminolecountyfl.gov/…/301554-Mullet-Lake-Park.…

Photo credit: Dan Kon

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Little Big Econ State Forest

Little Big Econ State Forest

Located in Geneva in eastern Seminole County, the Little Big Econ State Forest gets its name from both the Econlockhatchee River and the Little Econlockhatchee River. Econlockhatchee means “earth-mound stream” in the Muskogee language and was named by the native Americans for the numerous mounds found along the river.

Before being established on March 24, 1994, by the Florida Legislature, the property was used for cattle ranching, crops, as a turpentine distillery, and for a portion of the Florida East Coast Railway. Today the 10,336 acres in the Little Big Econ State Forest is an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise.

Seventeen miles of the Econlockhatchee River, which has been designating an Outstanding Florida Waterway, makes its way through the forest before flowing into the St. Johns River on the eastern boundary. The Little Big Econ State Forest boasts a variety of habitats including wet prairie, pine flatwoods, sandhill, scrub pine, flatwoods, scrub, sandhill, and oak-palm hammocks.

Over 160 bird species have been spotted in the forest including Bachman’s sparrows, crested caracara, wood storks, swallow-tailed kites, and sandhill cranes. Look for fox squirrels, gopher frogs, gopher tortoises, turkeys, deer, and alligators.

The Little Big Econ State Forest has been named one of the country’s most family-friendly hikes by the American Hiking Society. Saunter along the 5.2-mile loop Kolokee Trail, discover wildlife along the 8 miles of Florida National Scenic Trail, or explore any of the 15 miles of trails located in the forest.

Paddle all or a portion of the 20 mile-long Econlockhatchee River Paddling Trail. There are 12.1 miles of bicycle trails and 9.3 miles of equestrian trails complete with a water trough.

Primitive camping sites are available and some have a picnic table and fire ring.

Reserve the picnic pavilion for your special events.
Enjoy your lunch at a picnic table. Your leashed pets are welcome.

Whether for a day or a week, there is plenty to explore and discover at the Little Big Econ State Forest.

For trail maps and more information:

Photo credit: Christian Kon

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Green Anole

Green Anoles (Anolis carolinensis) are native to Florida. They are found in natural and suburban areas throughout our entire state.

Adult Green Anoles grow to 5-8 inches long. Males have a solid pink throat fan known as a dewlap. Anoles can quickly change from bright green to a dull brown color to blend into their surroundings. Their favorite foods are roaches, beetles, flies, spiders, and other small invertebrates, which makes them beneficial to your garden.

You may find these lizards hiding in shingles, under tree bark, or in rotting logs in cool weather. In warmer weather, look for them basking in plants, on fence tops, or on rooftops. Females lay single, round eggs in rotting wood or moist soil throughout warmer months. The tiny lizards emerge from their eggs, looking like miniature adults.

The biggest threat to Green Anoles is the introduced Cuban brown anole. Because they are great climbers, Green Anoles move vertically up in their habitat, which allows them to decrease competition by claiming the higher habitat among the trees as their own.

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House Sparrow

House sparrows were introduced at various stages throughout New York (Barrows 1889), Maine, Massachusetts, and Nova Scotia. Some of these releases were a sentimental connection to the homeland of many European immigrants. Others were to help control cankerworms or linden moths(Marshall 2014). In some cases, the release of house sparrows failed and the birds died without breeding. One of the more successful attempts was in Nova Scotia. This population spread and the presence of other populations in the U.S. Northeastern states may have helped them thrive.

Today, house sparrows have spread throughout all of the United States, most of Mexico, and the southern parts of Canada. They have even made their way to South America. In most regions, they are considered an invasive species due to their aggressive and territorial tenancies. They will even go to such extremes as to damage the nests of other birds. They out-compete many native birds for food and reproduce at a rapid rate making them difficult to control. Oddly enough, many places in Europe are seeing declines in house sparrow populations. The United Kingdom has a 71% reduction since the mid-1990s. This decline has been linked to avian malaria and areas of increased nitrogen dioxide. Italy experienced a 49% decline in house sparrow populations from reductions in nesting sites, reduced food availability, and possible disease. Paris reported a 12.4% reduction by year primarily due to city gentrification. Yet, these birds continue to thrive in North America.

One way you can help is by providing a nesting box for house sparrows. If eggs are laid you can simply poke them with a pin to prevent the eggs from further developing. Removing the eggs entirely can cause the female to produce more eggs at a faster rate. Removing an entire nest could force sparrows into more wild landscapes and could pose a greater threat to native birds. While we might never be able to fully eradicate house sparrows from Florida, it never hurts to try and reduce the growing population.

House Sparrows are sexually dimorphic with the male having a classic black mask across his eyes. The photos below show a male (Left) and female (Right).

Photo credit: Aymee Laurain
Barrows, W.B. (1889). “The English Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in North America, Especially in its Relations to Agriculture”. United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Economic Ornithology and Mammalogy Bulletin (1).




Malher, F. and Maintigneux, P., 2019, The House Sparrow in Paris: decline and monitoring, AGIR pour la biodiversité.

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Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park

Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park

“This park is like nothing else in Florida. Being able to see the stars at night in unbelievable detail was absolutely worth the trip.” Jonathan Holmes, IOF Contributor

There is a place in Florida that is world-renowned for stargazing. Designated as a Dark Sky Park due to the absence of light pollution, the stars and planets can be enjoyed the way nature intended.

Located in Okeechobee, Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park is part of the headwaters to the Everglades and is the largest remaining dry prairie ecosystem in Florida. Once spanning coast to coast and from Lake Okeechobee to Kissimmee, the prairie has been reduced to a mere 10% of its original expanse.

Throughout the years, humans have altered the prairie to suit their needs. The State Park is working to restore the land to pre-European influence. Over 70 miles of ditches and canals have been restored to swales and sloughs. Old plow lines are slated for reconditioning, and a cattle pasture will be restored to native shrubs and grasses. As a fire and flood dependent ecosystem, these efforts will allow the prairie to thrive once again.

The most famous resident of the prairie is the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow. Critically endangered, the sparrows rely on a healthy prairie ecosystem for survival. Crested Caracaras, Burrowing Owls, Wood Storks, Swallow-Tail Kites, and White-Tail Kites find refuge at the park. Watch for Bald Eagles, White-tailed Deer, and Indigo Snakes. Native wildflowers are abundant. Look for Blazing Stars, Yellow Bachelors Buttons, Meadow Beauty, Pipewort, and Alligator Lilies.

There is plenty to do at Kissimmee Prairie Preserve. Hiking, horseback riding, and biking are wonderful ways to experience Nature up close. Camping, primitive camping, and equestrian camping are offered for those who want to spend the night. A ranger-led prairie buggy tour and an astronomy pad are spectacular ways to enjoy the park.

For reservations, times, fees, and more click here:

Photo Credit – Jonathan Holmes

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Viera Wetlands

– Viera Wetlands –

One mile of shoreline, wildflowers, and birds draw over 200,000 people each year to the Ritch Grissom Memorial Wetlands which is commonly known as Viera Wetlands. Named in honor of a long-time Brevard County employee and awarded a grant by the Florida Wildflower Foundation, the wetlands are a popular destination for ecotourists, birders, photographers, and wildflower enthusiasts.

There are 200 acres to explore at Viera Wetlands. Walk or bike around the berms. Enjoy the scenery from your car as you leisurely drive no more than 10 mph along the one way, unpaved road. (The road is occasionally closed to vehicles when too wet.) Revel in the beauty of wildflowers along the banks of the lakes and ponds. Notice the different plants in dry areas as well as those in wet areas. The plants work together to stabilize the soils without the need for fertilizers and irrigation. What pollinators will you discover?

Birds abound at Viera Wetlands which is included in the Great Florida Birding Trail. Get a better view of the wetlands from the observation tower. Keep your eyes open otters, marsh rabbits, and raccoons who make their homes there along with an abundance of amphibians and reptiles. Look for beautiful butterflies and striking Painting Buntings.

For more information, click here: https://viera.com/attractions/viera-wetlands…

-Photo Credit – Andy Waldo

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The Florida Bobcat (Felidae Rufus Floridanusare) is one of two predatory cats native to the Florida region. Despite being the only two native wild cats to Florida, Bobcats and Florida Panthers diverged from two different lineages. Bobcats are a species of lynx. The lynx line diverged from a common ancestor 7.2 mya. The Puma lineage which the panther diverged from did not appear until 6.7 mya. Twice the size of domestic cats and weighing 12-28 pounds, Bobcats are often mistaken for the larger endangered Florida Panther.

Florida Bobcats are immediately identifiable by their short tails or bobs.  Fringes of fur outline the sides of their heads. Their tails have white on the underside and black markings on the top side. They have spots of white fur on all parts of their body which can range in color from reddish-brown to grey. 

Female bobcats require approximately 5 square miles of range while males require 15 to 30 square miles.  The mating season occurs from August to March with the peak time occurring in February and March.   The den can consist of a hollow tree, cave, rock outcropping, or other open shelters. Dense shrub thickets and saw palmetto provide cover for private dens. One to four spotted or mottled kittens are born in the early spring.  Coyotes effectively regulate the Bobcat population when they prey on cubs. Florida Bobcats live up to 14 years.

Bobcats can swim and climb trees with ease, two factors that prevent them from falling prey to natural enemies besides human hunters. Bobcats usually hunt at night but can often be spotted during the day. Dinner consists of birds, carrion, rats, rabbits, raccoons, opossums, and squirrels.  Towhees, thrashers, catbirds, and other ground-dwelling birds provide winter treats.  Florida Bobcats play an important role in the ecosystems they inhabit by helping to control their prey animals’ populations.

This native species is abundant in Florida and can be found in forests, swamps, and hammocks. Though bobcats are stealthy, elusive, and show no interest in people, they are often seen in suburban yards and even city streets from time to time.

Bobcats typically do not approach humans but will do so if fed and taught to associate people with food. When living with Bobcats, we must do our part—secure chickens and other small pets in an enclosed pen. Domestic cats and dogs should not be left alone in your yard or on a screened porch. Always walk your dog on a leash. With just a little common sense, we can truly coexist with these magnificent cats.

Connect Respect Coexist

Photo Credit – Lynn Marie


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Black Bear Wilderness Area

Black Bear Wilderness Area

Hiking the 7.1-mile loop trail along the St. John’s River in Seminole County’s Black Bear Wilderness Area will provide a great opportunity to view many of Florida’s native species. The trail system in this 1600 acre Wilderness Area winds through a Hydric Hammock, Wet Prairie, and Cypress Swamps. Because it is established on levees, it stays dry most of the year. However, it can experience flooding during the wet season since it is located within the St. Johns River’s floodplain. Blue Blazes will show you the way along this remote trail and boardwalks provide a dry passage over wet areas.

The Black Bear Wilderness Trail plays an important role in connecting the Ocala National Forest with the Wekiva / St. John’s basins. Look for River Otters, American Alligators, White-tailed deer, and Swallow-tailed Kites. We hope you are the lucky ones who get to see a Florida Black Bear in the wild.


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White Ibis (American)

The American White Ibis is a very common bird. You may have seen a group of them passing through your yard using their beak to probe for insects. The males tend to be larger with longer beaks. They breed along the Gulf Coast, and when not breeding, they drift further inland and to the Caribbean. These birds are monogamous, and both parents help to take care of the young. Aside from garbage, the larges threat to these birds is methylmercury that leaks into the environment. This alters the hormones in the birds and interferes with their reproduction and breeding. Methylmercury concentrations are increased when waste and fossil fuels are burned. Reservoir flooding can also cause an increase. This chemical is neurotoxic and also inhibits part of the endocrine system. It prevents males from producing sex hormones that would lead to courtship behaviors. Courtship behaviors are significant in most birds. Without these behaviors, the females will not find an interest in the males, and reproduction will not occur. It can also lead to females abandoning their nests and reduced foraging.

Other threats include harvesting their food sources such as crayfish, hunting, habitat degradation, and other chemical uses. If you see these birds passing through, know that they will help your yard by removing pest insects. If you see smaller brown ibis, those are juveniles.

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How to Save a Gopher Tortoise who is crossing the street


Safely remove the tortoise from the road and move him/her in the direction in he/she was heading to the grass or wooded area on the side of the street.

-DO NOT put a tortoise in water. Tortoises, unlike turtles, can’t swim.

-DO NOT try to relocate a tortoise. Gopher tortoises have an amazingly strong homing instinct and will try their best to return to their home burrows. This puts them at greater risk for road mortality, predation as they lack the protection of a burrow as they wander, and exposure to the elements. Females have also demonstrated behaviors of nest-guarding and if removed from those areas during nesting season it could negatively impact the survival rate of the hatchlings. (Gorsse et al 2012)

-DO NOT handle them beyond the length of time it takes to get them across the street to safety. A study published this year found that brief handling did not cause a stress reaction but handling for more than a few moments caused stress hormones to increase greater than 200-fold. (Currylow et al 2017.)

Remember, Gopher Tortoises are a Threatened Species, therefore it is illegal to relocate a tortoise without a permit or to keep them as pets. (Florida Statute 372.0725; Chapter 68A-27; Rule 68A-27.003)

If you see a tortoise that will require additional assistance, contact the FWC weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm at 1-850-921-1030 or after hours or on the weekends at 1-888-404-3922

Let’s all work to protect our amazing animal friends that we are so lucky to share this state with!

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#gophertortoise #Florida #wildlife #tortoise

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Stop Breeding Mosquitos 

Mosquitos lay up to 200 eggs in moist areas. When water is added by rain or humans, the eggs become larvae. Once the larvae are mature enough, they will become pupae. During this stage, metamorphosis takes place and an adult mosquito is born. The entire process takes 8-10 days.

The most common mosquito in Florida is the Aedes aegypti. The females are carriers of West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Dengue fever, Chikungunya, and Zika virus. Female mosquitos need blood to produce eggs, therefore they love to live where people and pets are abundant.

What can you do to stop mosquito breeding in your yard?
Mosquitos only need 1-2 centimeters of stagnant water to breed.

1. Change water in birdbaths 2x/week.
2. Be sure flower pots and dish underneath does not contain standing water.
3. Be sure gutters are debris free so that water will not collect in a leaf “dam.”
4. Bromeliads are a perfect habitat for mosquitos to develop. Flush bromeliads with a garden hose 2x/week.
5. Check yard toys and yard ornaments for standing water.
6. Check for leaks from outdoor faucets and around your air conditioner.
7. Is there standing water in your boat or any other vehicle stored outdoors?
8. Look for standing water near your swimming pool, pool equipment and pool toys.
9. Check for standing water in holes in trees and bamboo.
10. Walk around and look for water in things like trash cans, trash can lids and any container or object where water can accumulate.
—— Install a Bat House ——–
Bats can eat up to 600 mosquitos in an hour!!

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Ethos Vegan Kitchen and Imagine Our Florida, Inc.


IOF is honored and grateful to Ethos for partnering with us and donating 5% back to our organization. If you haven’t tasted their delicious plant based food, be sure to stop in the next time you are in Winter Park. We promise you, the food is delicious.



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