
Sea Ox-eye

The Sea Ox-eye is a daisy shrub commonly found in salt marshes and tidal flats.
The small yellow bloom tolerates a high amount of brackish water and salt spray, which is helpful considering that the daisy is only found naturally on the coast. This plant enjoys high pH soil and full sun if any readers are interested in planting native.
The Sea Ox-eye is a natural nectar source for several pollinators, including
gulf fritillaries, large orange sulfurs, and native bees. Their seeds provide food for
small animals and birds. Moreover, these plants form thick colonies, making them
excellent foundation plants for gardens and wildflower beds.
For those looking to find the Sea Ox-eye in the wild, its appearance is that of a
low shrub, only growing 2-4 ft tall and 2-3 ft wide. Small, yellow flowers sprout from
thin stems. The flower is a collection of larger petals surrounding a core of pointed disk florets. The leaves are spoon-shaped and form in clusters below the flowering body.
The Sea Ox-eye is a unique Florida flower worthy of a spot in any flower bed.
Photo Credit: Dan Kon
Author: Sarina Pennington