

Roadside Wildflowers

Florida has many wildflower test sites along roadsides. In the panhandle, including near I10, you can see miles of these sites. These photos were taken off the side of the road in Live Oak, FL. The projects are part of Florida’s roadside plantings and highway beautification programs by the Florida Department of Transportation.

The area has a total of eight planting districts throughout the state, each with different plant species for those areas. These sites serve two major goals; to increase pollinator populations and diversity and to produce native vegetation that negates the need for mowing. The projects were also found to increase safety (Norcini 2014) and provide a great benefit through carbon sequestration (Harrison 2014). Finally, they add the beauty of true Florida that everyone can enjoy. Have you seen any roadside wildflower sites? Tell us about them in the comments.

Photo credits: Aymee Laurain