
River Otter

River Otters, Lontra canadensis, are members of the weasel family. They can be found in a variety of freshwater bodies, including rivers, creeks, swamps, marshes, ponds, and lakes throughout Florida, except the Keys. Otters love riparian areas, where they can create their burrows under tree roots on the bank and slide into the water for a tasty dinner of fish, crustaceans, reptiles, and amphibians. They also dine on insects, birds, and small mammals.

River Otters weigh 15-30 pounds and live to 12 years old. They are skilled swimmers. When they aren’t playing in the water or mud, you will find them marking their territory with urine, feces, scent glands, and scratch marks on trees. Females give birth to one to six pups in a den dug into the bank of a body of water or a hollow log. When they are two months old, the mother otter pushes her pups into the water where they quickly learn to swim.

Fun Fact: River Otters can hold their breath for 8 minutes.

Photo Credit: Paul Waller