
Oak Treehopper

The Oak Treehopper: A Tiny Marvel of Florida’s Oak Trees
The Oak Treehopper (Platycotis vittata) is a small yet fascinating insect found on oak trees throughout Florida. Known for its unique appearance and intriguing behavior, this native species plays an essential role in its ecosystem.
Identification and Characteristics
The oak treehopper is a member of the insect family Membracidae, often recognized by its distinctive, ornate shape:
Appearance: Adults are about 0.5 inches long, with a hump-like, colorful thorax. They range from green to brown, often with contrasting white or yellow markings.
Nymphs: Young treehoppers (nymphs) are wingless, spiny, and often move in groups.
Wings: Adults have transparent wings folded over their back, aiding in camouflage.
Their peculiar appearance helps them blend into the bark and twigs of oak trees, protecting them from predators.
Life Cycle and Behavior
Life Cycle: Females lay eggs in small slits they cut into oak branches. After hatching, nymphs feed on tree sap and gradually develop into adults.
Feeding Habits: Oak treehoppers feed on the sap of oak trees by piercing the bark with their specialized mouthparts.
Mutualistic Relationships: Ants are often seen tending to treehoppers, feeding on the sugary honeydew they excrete in exchange for protection from predators.
Ecological Importance
While oak treehoppers feed on tree sap, they rarely harm healthy oak trees. Instead, they contribute to the ecosystem in various ways:
Food Source: They are a valuable food source for birds, spiders, and other predatory insects.
Nutrient Cycling: Their honeydew fosters the growth of mold and fungi, which decompose organic material and enrich the soil.
Indicator Species: Their presence can indicate the health of an oak tree and its surrounding environment.
Threats and Challenges
Oak treehoppers face natural predators like birds, spiders, and wasps. However, their most significant challenges stem from environmental changes:
Habitat Loss: Urban development reduces the availability of oak trees.
Pesticide Use: Broad-spectrum insecticides can harm treehoppers and disrupt their ecological roles.
How You Can Help
Protect Oak Trees: Preserve native oak trees in your yard or community to support treehoppers and other wildlife.
Use Eco-Friendly Practices: Avoid excessive pesticide use, which can harm beneficial insects like treehoppers.
Support Biodiversity: Plant native plants to create a balanced habitat for insects and other species.
The oak treehopper is a reminder of the intricate connections within Florida’s ecosystems. By learning about and protecting these tiny insects, we help safeguard the health of oak trees and the diverse web of life they support.
Photo Credit: Lynn Marie
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Obscure Bird Grasshopper

Obscure Bird Grasshopper (Schistocerca obscura)
The Obscure Bird Grasshopper is a master of camouflage, blending seamlessly into the fields and open woodlands of the eastern U.S. Females grow up to 6.5 cm. In comparison, males reach up to 4.5 cm. They are green with a pale-yellow stripe along their body and olive-green forewings and sometimes spotted with brown (more common in females). This grasshopper’s natural hues make it nearly invisible among vegetation, an essential survival strategy in its habitat.
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span worm

If you examine the leaves of the snowbush (Breynia nivosa), you might spot a striking yellow caterpillar adorned with black stripes, feeding on its foliage. This caterpillar is the larval form of the white-topped black moth (Melanchroia chephise), a member of the Geometridae family, often referred to as “inchworms” or “spanworms” due to their characteristic looping movement.
The White-topped Black Moth (Melanchroia chephise) and Its Relationship with the Snowbush (Breynia nivosa)
Unlike most moths, which are primarily nocturnal, the white-topped black moth is an unusual daytime flyer. As adults, they have a wingspan of slightly over an inch, with velvety, dark navy-blue to black wings tipped in white on all four wings. The thorax is a vibrant orange, making them easily identifiable.
When laying eggs, this species is highly selective about its chosen host plants. The snowbush (Breynia nivosa) is the preferred plant for egg-laying, but the moth can also utilize other plants like the Otaheite gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus), snow-on-the-mountain (Euphorbia marginata), and potentially the white sapote (Casimiroa edulis). Once the eggs hatch, the caterpillars emerge as voracious feeders, quickly consuming the leaves of the host plant.
While the caterpillars primarily feed on the leaves, if the leaf supply runs low, they may feed on the twigs and bark of the snowbush. Although this can cause significant defoliation, healthy snowbush plants are usually resilient and can recover from moderate caterpillar damage. However, in cases where the caterpillar population is high, and there are few natural predators, excessive feeding could lead to serious harm or even the death of the plant.
No intervention is necessary for those who appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of the moth and its caterpillar. However, if defoliation is a concern and the aesthetic of the snowbush is important, controlling the caterpillar population is essential. To manage infestations, regularly inspect the undersides of snowbush leaves for salmon-pink eggs, which can be manually removed and destroyed.
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Long-Tailed Giant Ichneumonid Wasp

Long-Tailed Giant Ichneumonid Wasp (Megarhyssa macrurus) is a large reddish brown and yellow wasp with black coloring throughout the body. It is 1.5 inches long with an ovipositor 2-3 inches long. This insect is found on declining or dead hardwood trees between May and July. Due to their body structures, they can sometimes be mistaken for mayflies or dragonflies.
Ichneumonid wasps are parasitic to other insects, such as horntails, a wood-eating sawfly. Ichneumonid wasps are usually found on dying or dead hardwoods, such as oak, maple, birch, and elm as these are the wood preferred by horntails. They can drill about an ½ inch or more into the wood using their ovipositor to deliver an egg into the horntail larvae. Once the egg hatches, the larvae will slowly feed on the horntail, eventually killing it. Once it matures, the adult will emerge out of the tree. These wasps do not harm the trees; they only feed on the horntail.
These wasps are harmless to humans. However, if threatened, they will jab their ovipositor, resulting in a minor wound. Because they are parasites on other insects, they can be considered a biological pest control agent.
Photo Credit: Dan Kon
Author: Destiny Alvarez – Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Oregon
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Two Striped Walking Stick

The Two Striped Walking Stick (Anisomorpha buprestoides) (Stoll) is a common stick insect in Florida. There are a few other names that this insect is referred to, devil’s riding horse, prairie alligator, stick bug, witch’s horse, devil’s darning needle, scorpion, and musk mare. That last name was given to this species because of its capability to squirt a strong-smelling defensive spray that can painfully irritate the eyes and mucus membrane.
The Two Striped Walking Stick is large and stout (not a common physical trait of stick insects); it has three long black strips or two thick white strips, depending on how you look at them. Females are much larger measuring 67.7 mm in length while males are much smaller and slender measuring 41.7 mm.
Like any stick insects, these species are herbivores, feeding on the leaves of trees and shrubs. Not much is known about their life history, but many have observed that females will secrete her eggs on the ground, mainly during the Fall season. Stick insects will use their secretion if they perceive a threat, this occurs typically with physical contact.
These guys may be small but there have been studies that showed the effect the stick insects’ secretion can cause, it can be highly irritating to the eyes of both humans and animals and can cause excruciating pain.
Cool Fact! This species can be commonly found with the smaller male riding on top of the larger female.
Photo Credit: Dan Kon
Author: Destiny Alvarez – Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Oregon
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Saltmarsh Caterpillar

The saltmarsh caterpillar (Estigmene acrea) (Drury) is a native insect found throughout the United States. It is common in the southern United States as a pest. Adults are large moths; wingspan can measure 3.5 to 4.5 cm and are very distinct. The wings are mostly white in color; there are generally many small, irregular black spots. The male hind wings are yellow, the underside may also have a yellow tint, and the female is white. The abdominal segments are yellow with a series of large black spots dorsally.
Females generally live only four to five days; however, they can produce more than one cluster of eggs. She can produce 400 to 1000 eggs in one or more clusters. Eggs are tiny and spherical; they are initially yellow and soon turn gray in color. Eggs will hatch in four to five days. There are five to seven instars.
Larvae are active dispersers, a behavior not typical among caterpillars. Late instar larvae will move over the soil searching for food and can be found individually or in groups. Caterpillars damage crops, mostly during fall. With each succeeding instar consumption of plants doubles. When pupation occurs, they are on the soil among leaf debris. When pupation is complete, it is dark brown, measuring 30 mm, and lasts about 12 to 14 days.
Broadleaf weeds are the initial host plants for this species, though larvae will commonly disperse late in the growing season to damage vegetable and field crops. The favored weed host are usually pigweed (Amaranthus spp.); however, many others can be consumed, such as anglepod (Gonolobus spp.).; sicklepod (Cassia tora); dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium); ground cherry (Physalis spp.); and mallow, (Anoda spp.).
Agricultural management commonly used insecticides on saltmarsh caterpillars. Baits are not an effective method to manage the species. Physical barriers can be used such as ditches or trenches with steep sides to prevent the invasion of crops.
Cool Fact! Saltmarsh caterpillar’s name is derived from being a pest of Saltgrass hay grown around Boston. Though ironically, grasses are not a preferred host plant.
Photo Credit: Lynn Marie
Author: Destiny Alvarez – Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Oregon
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Hover Fly

The hoverfly (Allograpta obliqua) can be found in most of the continental United States, parts of Canada, and Mexico. It is a colorful and common fly in Florida.
Just like its name suggests, it can hover or fly backward. Adults usually visit flowers for nectar; they have also been seen around aphid (greenfly and blackfly) colonies, laying their eggs and feeding on honeydew secreted by the aphids. Adults aid pollination as they can pollinate some plants.
The larvae stage of this species are essential predators as they feed on aphids, which are crop-damaging insects. When larval populations are high, they can reduce aphid populations by 70 to 100%!
Adults occur throughout the year in northern Florida; they are more abundant during spring and summer. In southern Florida, they are also abundant during winter. Their life cycle varies from three weeks in summer to nine weeks in winter. They lay their eggs singly on a leaf or twig, where aphids are abundant. They hatch for two to three days during the summer and around eight days in the winter. When it is time for the larvae to pupate, they will fasten themselves to a leaf or twig. The pupal stage takes up to ten days in summer and 18 to 33 days in winter.
Photo Credit: Lynn Marie
Author: Destiny Alvarez – Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Oregon
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Giant Leaf-footed Bug

The giant leaf-footed bug (Acanthocephala declivis), is a strikingly large insect found throughout parts of North America. This bug gets its name from its distinctively shaped hind legs, which resemble leaves and are used to camouflage it in its environment. The body of this insect is typically brown or gray and is about an inch in length. This species has a pronotum, a place that covers the thorax that extends to the abdominal region. It also has dull tubercles and rounded nodules in the middle of the pronotum. Giant leaf-footed bugs feed on the sap of various plants, and they can sometimes be a pest to agricultural crops such as tomatoes and citrus. While they may not harm humans, these bugs can be quite a nuisance when they invade homes and gardens.
Photo Credit: Aymee Laurain
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Brazilian Skipper/Caterpillar

Brazilian Skipper (Calpodes ethlius) is native to Mexico, Central America, and the northern part of the South American continent, and can also be found as far south as the northern parts of Argentina. They have been found in many other areas such as the Galapagos islands and the west indies in the Caribbean Sea. In the United States, it has established itself in Texan, southern Arizona, and Florida. The adults are primarily brown; the female’s forewing can be slightly larger ranging from 22 to 27 mm, while the male’s forewing is about 23 to 24 mm. The forewings are dark brown with five transparent spots, and golden yellow hair decorates the posterior margin. The hindwings appear almost the same except it is darker. The top of the thorax is olive green while the bottom is yellowish-gray in color. The abdomen is dark brown on top and pale yellow-whitish at the bottom.
Host plants are of the Cannaceae family, which has only a single genus, Canna. Females lay eggs one at a time or in widely spaced groups of five to seven eggs on canna leaves’ upper and lower surfaces. The eggs are very tiny, measuring 1.25 mm in diameter and 0.68 mm in height. When first laid it is pale green, but it is pinker in color within a day. After the eggs hatch, they go through five instar stages before the chrysalis stage. Instar refers to how many times the caterpillar molts before the chrysalis stage; as they progress through each instar, they grow larger. The caterpillar heads are primarily black with a dark green body. The caterpillars are voracious eaters in their fifth instar as they prepare for pupation. The chrysalis is dark green with an orange horn on the end, a row of small spots on each side, and a silk girdle at the other end that attaches to the leaf.
Photo Credit: Lynn Marie
Author: Destiny Alvarez – Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Oregon
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Brunner’s Mantis aka Northern Grass Mantis

The Brunner’s Mantis (Brunneria borealis) is also known as Brunner’s stick mantis or northern grass mantis. It is native to the southern United States. The female mantis lays her eggs in an egg case. Nymphs emerge looking much like an adult and go through several molts as they grow. The Brunner’s Mantis is a carnivore and captures its prey of insects and grasshoppers by ambush. Look for these 2.5 – 3.5 inch hard-to-see insects in tall grass.
Fun Fact: There are no males in this species. Females reproduce asexually through parthenogenesis.
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June Bug

The Green June Beetle, Cotinis nitida, is the second most common June bug in Florida. Most of this native June bug’s life is spent underground where it begins as an egg. The grub dines on roots before pupation. Wild animals will dig in the soil to consume the larvae that are full of nutrients.
The iridescent, emerald-colored adult Green June Beetle emerges and will begin the process of mating and laying eggs. The June bug will bore into fruits and sip nectar from wildflowers and tree blossoms. This common beetle at up to 1 inch long is a great source of protein for birds, and wild animals such as raccoons and skunks. Photo credit: Andy Waldo
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Black Bee Killer and Batesian Mimicry

The Black Bee Killer, Mallophora atra (also known by the species name M. nigra), is a rarely seen member of the robber fly family. They are only found in Florida, with a single specimen sighted in North Carolina. Similar in structure to the more common Florida Bee Killer (M. bomboides), the black bee killer has an all-black abdomen and scutellum, as seen in the photo. There is some discussion as to if this is a separate species or a color variant of the more commonly seen Florida bee killer.
The black bee killer is quite similar in its life history to the other 2 bee killers found in Florida. They are large flies that are a great example of Batesian mimicry. Their bodies mimic bumblebees or carpenter bees and even make a buzzing sound when in flight! Batesian mimicry is when a harmless species evolves to have a similar appearance to another more dangerous species. In the case of M. atra, predators avoid eating bees due to the painful sting. This allows the flies to hunt in the open with less fear of being attacked themselves.
Other, more common Batesian mimics are the monarch butterfly and its mimics, the gulf fritillary, queen, and viceroy butterflies. In reptiles, you have the venomous coral snake, and its mimics the scarlet kingsnake and the scarlet snake. Southern and eastern hognose snakes resemble their more dangerous cousin, the pygmy rattlesnake.
The black bee killer inhabits open habitats where they perch on small branches and weed stalks, waiting for their prey to pass by. That prey includes primarily social bees such as honey bees, carpenter bees, bumblebees, and a few species of wasps. Honey bees seem to be a favorite food source due to their size and slower flight patterns. The female black killer bee lays eggs in the soil, but not much is known about the larval development of these robber flies. Other species of Mallophora larva have been known to parasitize on the larva of scarab beetles.
Photo Credit: David Gale and AndyWaldo
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Summer Fishfly

The Summer Fishfly, Chauliodes pectinicornis, is an insect that grows to approximately 1 1/2 inches. It is omnivorous and spends most of its life in still or slow-moving water with lots of detritus. Th fishfly undergoes a complete metamorphosis in a log or under bark and emerges as the adult you see here. It will mate, lay eggs near the water, and die within seven days.

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Florida Harvester Ant

Florida harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex badius, are reddish-brown and are easily spotted atop their nests in sandy soils. Their nests can be found in open woodlands, gardens, and lawns. The ants move about once a year and build a new subterranean nest that can be up to 6.5 feet deep.
Florida Harvester ants are polymorphic which means they are more than one size. The Major worker has quite a large head but is not any more aggressive than the minor workers. Each nest has one queen and an abundance of and minority workers. Harvester ants mate in May and swarm from June through Oct with the most swarms occurring in August and September.
Harvester Ants gather seeds from the ground and plants. They rely on the sun and odor trails to find their way back to the nest. After husking the seeds and discarding the waste in a midden near the entrance of the nest, the seeds are stored in grainery chambers within the nest. Favorite seeds include evening primrose, pokeweed, and red clover.
Although not aggressive, as with any animal, Florida harvester ants will defend themselves. Because they inject poison into their aggressor, their stings are more painful and last longer than the stings of most other ants.
Photo Credit: Andy Waldo
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Ladybugs (Coccinellidae), aka Lady Bettles, a worldwide symbol of good luck, are best known for their voracious appetite for aphids. As omnivores, they dine on whiteflies, mites, mealybugs, scale insects, and mildews and can devour up to 5,000 aphids in their lifetime.
Ladybugs live two to three years and grow between 1/3 and slightly over 3/8 of an inch. Female ladybugs lay golden eggs on the underside of leaves, often near an aphid colony. In a few days, the eggs hatch, and the larvae will eat between 350 and 400 aphids within two weeks before becoming adults.
Ladybugs’ strikingly bright colors make them easily identifiable but unappealing to predators. A fluid secreted from the joints in their legs also makes them taste bad. Ladybugs will outsmart their predators by secreting the foul smell while playing dead.
When temperatures fall, Ladybugs enter diapause and live off their stored reserves for up to nine months. When the temperature warms to 55°, they resume everyday life. As they take flight, their tiny wings beat about 85 times per second.
Did you know Ladybugs went to Outer Space? A space shuttle carried four ladybugs and a jar of aphids as part of a zero-gravity experiment. Ladybugs did not need gravity to dine on the aphids.
It is not a good idea to purchase Ladybugs. Most that are for sale have been wild-caught. No studies have been done to determine whether or not any harm is being done to the Ladybug population in the area where they are caught. This can result in more pesticide use when ladybugs are not present. Ladybugs are not tested for disease before shipment so that they could introduce disease-carrying pathogens to native Ladybugs in your area. Ladybugs introduced to your garden will fly away if there are insufficient food sources.
The best way to attract some of Florida’s 98 species of Ladybugs to your landscapes is to avoid chemicals. Learn to identify the larvae and leave them alone to eat the harmful pests in your garden.
Photo Credit: Andy Waldo

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Dark Flower Scarab Beetle

Dark Flower Scarab Beetles (Euphoria sepulcralis) have white markings on a black or dark brown body that reflects a metallic bronze or green color in the sunlight. They are daytime flyers and can often be found snacking on flowers in yards throughout Florida.

“The adults feed on tree sap, a wide variety of ripening fruits, corn, and the flowers of apple, thistle, mock orange, milkweed, dogwood, sumac, yarrow, daisies, and goldenrod.” Ratcliffe (1991). Occasionally, these common beetles are considered pests because they love to munch on the flowers of fruit trees, roses, and corn.

Dark Flower Scarab Beetles make tasty dinners for a variety of animals. Grubs, which hatch underground from eggs, are eaten by birds, moles, and skunks. Other animals such as frogs, bats, and birds eat adult beetles.

Photo Credit: Aymee Laurain

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Garden Flea Hopper

The Garden Flea Hoppers (Microtechnites bractatus) are tiny little insects that lay eggs in plants’ stems. After about 14 days, the eggs hatch, and little green nymphs emerge. As they grow, they turn black, and their wings expand. These small pests tend to damage soft stem plants such as this scarlet salvia (Salvia coccinea). Luckily, parasitoid wasps are effective at keeping these little bugs from causing too much damage. Other insects have been suspected of managing their populations, but there is not much research to determine their effectiveness. 

Photo credit: Aymee Laurain

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Meet Katy! A Katydid (family Tettigoniidae), to be exact. Listen to her chirp, and you will hear “ka-ty-did.”

Katydids love to hang out on palmettos, scrub oaks, vine-covered undergrowth, and in damp areas. They are solitary and sedentary creatures. Their coloring provides a wonderful camouflage from predators and humans. The veins in their wings mimic the veins in leaves. This makes it easy to blend in with the tree or plant they are resting on. Katydids are tasty treats for birds, wasps, spiders, frogs, and bats.

Katydids are primarily leaf eaters and feast most often at the top of trees and bushes where there are fewer predators. They will dine on an occasional flower and other plant parts.

Katydids are related to grasshoppers and crickets. Like their cousins, Katydids have strong legs and jump when they feel threatened. They are poor flyers, but their wings allow them to glide safely from a high perch to a lower one.

You can find Katydid eggs attached to the underside of leaves. They resemble pumpkin seeds and are lined up in a row. Adult katydids have a lifespan of about 4 to 6 months. They can grow up to 4 inches long, and their antennas can be double the length of their body.

Katydids are nocturnal. The next time you go outside after dark, take a flashlight. How many Katydids can you find in your yard? When you spot one of these beautiful insects, be sure to say hi to Katy.














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Eastern Grasshopper Lubber

The Eastern Grasshopper Lubber (Romalea guttata) is very distinctive in its coloration. They are yellow with black along the antenna, body, and abdomen. Their forewings, which are rose or pink in color, extend along the abdomen. The hind wings, which are rose in color, are short. They can grow as large as 3 inches and can be seen walking very slowly and clumsily along the ground. Lubbers cannot fly or jump, but they are very good at climbing.

The Grasshopper Lubber can be found in wet, damp environments but will lay its eggs in dry soil. The eggs are laid in the fall and begin hatching in the spring. The female will dig a hole with her abdomen and deposit 30-50 yellowish-brown eggs. They are laid neatly in rows called pods. She will produce 3-5 egg clusters and closes the hole with a frothy secretion. Nymphs wiggle through the froth and begin to eat. The male will guard the female during this time.

Nymphs have a completely different appearance from adults. They are black with yellow, orange, or red strips. They will have 5-6 molts to develop their coloration, wings, and antennae. The coloration of adults will vary throughout their lives as well, and they are often mistaken for different species. There is no diapause in the egg development, and they take just 200 days to develop depending on temperature. A month after the Grasshopper becomes an adult, they begin to lay their eggs.

Both females and males make noise by rubbing their front and hind wings together. When alarmed, they will secrete and spray a foul-smelling froth. This chemical discharge repels predators and is manufactured from their diet. The Grasshopper’s diet is so varied that it is difficult for predators to adapt to the toxin produced. Their bright color pattern is also a warning to predators that they are not good to eat. Birds and lizards avoid them, but parasites will infect nymphs from the tachinid fly. Loggerhead Shrikes will capture the Grasshopper and impale it on thorns or barbed wire. After 2 days, the toxins in the lubber’s body will deteriorate enough for the prey to be consumed.

Lubbers are long-lived, and both the adults and the nymphs can be found year-round in Florida. This Grasshopper occurs in such large numbers in Florida that it can cause damage to your landscape’s plants. Lubbers will bore holes throughout a plant regardless if they are vegetables, citrus, or ornamentals. If their numbers are large enough, they can decimate a plant.

Did you know:
Lubber is an old English word. It means a big, clumsy, stupid person, also known as a lout or lummox. In modern times, it is normally used only by seafarers, “landlubbers.”

Photo credit: Dan Kon


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Hanging Thief Robber Fly

The Hanging Thief Robber Fly (Diogmites) is an ambush predator that catches prey by either catching it from the ground or by catching it while on a plant. Once they obtain their food, they will use two legs to hang from a leaf or stem and use the rest to maneuver the food as they consume their catch.

The Hanging Thief Robber Fly is a large fly that hangs from leaves and branches waiting for its favorite food, bees, dragonflies, and biting flies like horse flies to pass by. It then takes chase and captures its prey in flight. It takes its prey to a branch or leaf where it pierces its victim with its mouthparts and drinks its fluids.

In this photo, you can see the behavior that earned this fly its common name of Hanging Thieves.

The genus Diogmites consists of 26 species in the United States, with 12 of those living east of the Mississippi River.

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Florida Woods Cockroach

The Florida Woods Cockroach (Eurycotis floridana) is more commonly known as the palmetto bug.

The roach measures 1 to 1 1/2 inches long to 1 inch wide. They are reddish-brown to black and do not have fully developed wings. They appear wingless but have short vestigial wings. These roaches are larger than other species, so they are easier to spot.

Florida woods cockroaches are usually found under palmetto leaves and decomposing matter. Contact with the bug may cause skin irritation as they secrete a chemical from a gland under their abdomen. This chemical secretion is used to ward off predators, and it stinks.

With or without fertilization, the Florida woods cockroach produces an egg case known as an ootheca. The egg cases contain an average of 20 to 24 eggs and will hatch after 50 days. Without fertilization, only about 60% of the eggs are viable, and those that hatch will not live to adulthood. The nymphs undergo 6 to 8 weeks of molts before becoming adults. They can live for over a year.

Florida woods cockroaches rarely enter the home since abundant food is found outdoors. They eat mold, moss, lichens, and other organic material found in dark, damp places. However, they are primarily a detritivore since their diet consists mainly of organic waste and dead plant matter such as bark and leaves, thus returning vital nutrients to the ecosystem.

They may not be the most loved bug in our state, but the Florida woods cockroach plays a crucial role in our ecosystem.

Connect. Respect. Coexist.













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Lightning Bug

Let’s be a kid again with the Firefly/Lightning Bug!

Remember those nights of wandering outside in the spring and summer and being surrounded by amazing little flying strobe lights. They would come out at dusk and stay only for a few hours. We captured them in glass jars and looked in amazement as we tried to figure out how their lights worked.

Fireflies are a good indicator species for the health of an environment. Unfortunately, these little miracles of life are on the decline throughout the world because of overdevelopment, pesticide use, and yes, light pollution.

The best thing you can do to support fireflies is to stop using lawn chemicals and broad-spectrum pesticides. Firefly larvae eat other undesirable insects. They are nature’s natural pest control.
If you miss seeing these little buggers, you’ll be happy to know Central Florida’s firefly season is at the end of March and early April. In fact, Blue Springs State Park stays open a little past their usual closing time and has guided tours at this time so you can enjoy nature’s light show. 

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Red Velvet Ant

The Red Velvet Ant (Dasymutilla occidentalis) – the name is a bit misleading. These fuzzy little insects aren’t actually ants but rather wasps. The males have wings and can fly but are harmless. The females, however, can deliver a powerful and painful sting. Fortunately, they do not have wings and can easily be avoided. These differences in sexes are called sexual dimorphism.

These wasps create burrows in the ground that look like small holes. Chances are you have walked by the burrows without noticing.

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The Lovebug (Plecia nearctica) is one species of insect that most everyone in Florida knows and can identify. But, do you know ABOUT this species? There is a lot of misinformation about this species. Additionally, apart from the “flights” that occur, most know nothing else about this species’ natural history.

Let’s start with the one huge myth about this species. they are NOT man-made insects created in a lab at the University of Florida. This is a pervasive myth that has circulated for decades. They are a non-native species in Florida. The first time they were documented in Florida was in 1947. They are found across the gulf coast and as far north as North Carolina.

In Florida, lovebugs can be found throughout the year. But, there are 2 big “flights” of lovebugs, when they occur in huge numbers across their range. As many already know, the first flight occurs in late spring in the months of April and May. The second flight occurs in late summer in the months of August and September.

The lovebug has some interesting reproduction behavior. When females emerge from the ground, they are met by swarms of males. The male will clasp a female in the air and the two will fall to the ground. When the males first connect with the female, the male and female are facing the same direction. Then, the male turns 180 degrees and remains that way for the duration of mating.

Large females lay an average of 350 eggs before they die. Adult lovebugs have a short lifespan with females living up to 7 days and males up to 5 days. The eggs hatch in 2 to 4 days. The larva feeds on decomposing vegetation in moist, grassy areas such as pastures. In this way, they are extremely helpful in converting decaying vegetative matter into organic matter.

The adults feed on the nectar of numerous species, particularly sweet clover, Brazilian pepper, and the goldenrod seen in these photos.

There are few predators of the adult stage of lovebug as their slightly acidic insides make them unpalatable. The larva is food for birds such as robins and quail as well as spiders, earwigs, and other insect predators.

They do not bite or sting, but they are considered a pest species. The huge flights often occur near roadways and interstates (think of all the moist grass of cow pastures and roadsides which is a wonderful home for larva). It also appears that the bugs are drawn to the exhaust of cars. It has been proposed that the chemicals in car exhaust, aldehydes, and formaldehyde, are similar to the chemicals released by decaying organic matter. This means that lovebugs think they are hovering over a great spot to lay their eggs. Older car paints used to be damaged by the acidic internal organs of the lovebug, however, they do not have the same effect on new cars. Lovebugs can be very difficult to remove from the fronts of cars after the bodies dry and can clog radiators.

Love Bug Season usually occurs during May and September. Love Bugs (Plecia nearctica), are not a genetic experiment. They are actually a small black fly, with a velvet-looking appearance and a red area on the back of the head.

Love Bugs were not created and released by the University of Florida to control mosquitos. They do not eat mosquitoes. They are nectar drinkers and pollinators. They feed on Brazilian Pepper, sweet clover, and goldenrod. Adult Love Bugs do not eat at all.

Love Bugs are an invasive species from South America and have been in Florida since the 1940s. They are attracted by car exhaust, lawnmowers, other engines, and heat. The white splat on your car is their eggs. Love Bugs do not bite, sting, or transmit diseases.

Love Bugs serve an important ecological role in Florida. Their larvae convert plant material into organic components which growing plants recycle for food. Love Bugs live between 3 to 4 days.

Female Love Bugs lay between 100 to 350 irregular-shaped, gray eggs on decaying topsoil material such as cut grass or thatch. Once the eggs hatch the larvae will live and feed in the organic material until they turn into a pupa. The larvae are gray with a darker head. They will stay in the larvae stage between 120 to 240 days depending on the season. They are in the pupa stage 7-9 days. Mating takes place right away once they emerge as adults. The male emerges first then waits for the female. Females fly into the swarming males. Once the adults copulate they will remain joined until the female is fertilized. The male stays attached to the female to prevent another male from fertilizing her. This takes 2-3 days, then the female detaches, lays her eggs, and dies.

Remember, if the University of Florida had created Love Bugs, they would be orange and blue, not black and red. : )

Photo Credit: Andy Waldo

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Hanging Crane Fly

Can you spot this stealthy insect? If you are out and about, you may miss them.

Like stick bugs, the Hanging Crane Fly (Brachyprmna dispellens) blends into its surroundings by pretending to be a hanging twig. This male hanging crane fly was observed performing a mating dance. This dance involves very quick shaking motions. Having more little hanging crane flies in this wet area of Alderman Ford park would be very beneficial since their diet consists of eating mosquitoes.

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Blue-Green Weevil

 Blue-Green Weevil (Pachnaeus litus).

These little bugs get a bad reputation, but such is the life of a weevil—the adults, such as this one, munch on plant leaves. The larvae fall to the ground and will munch on roots. This can be quite annoying in agriculture, especially citrus. For most plants, they aren’t much of a problem, but if they seem to get overwhelming, the USDA recommends the Trichogrammatidae family of wasps can help by preying on their eggs.


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Black Soldier Fly

Black Soldier Fly
Many confuse the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) with wasps. However, like many other flies, this species only has two wings, while wasps have four wings and do not have a stinger. The black soldier fly produces a loud buzzing sound when flying, which may concern people, but they are not dangerous. Black soldier flies usually gather around decaying organic matter such as animal waste or plant material. Eggs are laid in decay matter since it is a food source for the larvae. Black soldier fly larvae have been used to reduce animal manure in agricultural facilities. Even though they are not considered a disease vector, adult soldier flies are potential mechanical vectors of many pathogens.
The black soldier fly is abundant in the southeastern United States during late spring and early fall. The natural breeding sites for black soldier flies are carrion; they lay their eggs in moist organic waste. In urbanization areas, they will lay eggs in dumpsters or compost, providing similar orders and nutritional needs to naturally occurring organic matter.
Adults come in a variety of colors, from yellow, green, black, or blue; some can have a metallic appearance. Adults can measure from 15 to 20 mm in length. The antennae are long with three segments, and the legs have white coloration near the end of each leg. Mating starts two days after they emerge from the pupal case. Males will gather in areas where females will be abundant, known as lekking sites. The sites are defended against other males. Females lay up to 500 eggs! These eggs will be laid in cracks and crevices near or on decaying matter. Eggs will hatch in about four days.
The larvae are a dull, whitish color with a small, projecting head containing chewing mouthparts. There are six instars, and it takes up to 14 days for complete development. During their development, like many other larvae species, the black soldier fly larvae are insatiable feeders. When adults, they do not feed and rely on fats stored from their larval stage.
Before pupation, the fifth instar larvae will leave its feeding site to dryer areas, then pupation will start, the exoskeleton darkens, and a pupa develops. Pupation lasts for two weeks.
Cool Fact! Black soldier fly larvae generate good sources of protein and oil for animal feed; they also have the potential to improve organic waste into rich fertilizer.
Photo Credit: Dan Kon
Author: Destiny Alvarez – Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Oregon

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Little Brown Cicada

Cicadas are some pretty neat little creatures that are all around us but go largely unseen. They do not, however, go unheard. I bet, at some point, just about everyone has heard these guys screaming from the treetops at some point in their lives. But did you know that most of their lives are spent underground?

The species in the photos are of the Little Brown Cicada (Cicadetta calliope) or Grass Cicada. This is a small species of cicada, growing to just under 1 inch in size. Unlike its larger cousins to the north, this is not a periodical cicada. Those cicadas emerge every 13 to 17 years in numbers as great as 1.5 million per acre. For our residents who hail from the northeast, Florida has no periodical species. The closest location to observe the emergence of periodical species would be one of the 13-year varieties. Southeastern Louisiana will have its next emergence in 2027, and in central Alabama and Georgia, the next emergence will be in 2024.

So, some cool facts on these amazing insects. We all know their sound, but did you know only the males actually make noise. Cicadas make noise using timbals, a drum-like structure on either side of their abdomen. Only males possess this structure. They make different songs, calling songs to attract mates, protest songs when captured by a predator, and in some species, courtship calls, which are softer and made when the male is in visual or physical contact with the female.

The nymphs feed on the xylem sap from the roots of grasses and trees. This low nutrient sap is partially the reason for their long duration as a nymph. The minimum time a cicada spends as a nymph is 4 years but, in the case of the periodical cicada species, can be as long as 17 years.

Every cicada species molts 4 times as a nymph. For its fifth molt, the nymph emerges from the ground and molts into its adult form.

Cicadas do little to no harm to plants. They are harmless to food crops and landscape plants. They do not bite or sting and are an important food source for wildlife.
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The most common Mosquito in Florida is the Aedes aegypti species. The females are carriers of West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Dengue fever, Chikungunya, and Zika virus. Female mosquitos need blood to produce eggs. Therefore they love to live where people and pets are abundant.

You might be surprised to hear that 80 species of mosquitos call Florida home. This means that Florida has more mosquito species than any other state in the country. Of those eighty species, only 33 bother people and pets. We can narrow it further than that, 13 make people sick.
Some species are only located in certain areas of the state and others throughout the state. Mosquitos can spread a host of diseases from yellow fever, Zika, dengue, encephalitis. In your pets, they can spread heartworm and equine encephalitis. You can’t really avoid mosquitos as some feed during the day and others at night. You will run into one or the other eventually. In Southern Florida, mosquito season begins as early as February and continues through most of the year. In Northern Florida, mosquito season starts in March and follows a similar pattern. The warmer it is, the more active mosquitoes will be, especially at dusk and dawn. Permanent water mosquitos are attracted to standing pools of water, which they need for their eggs to hatch. Females will lay their eggs on the water surface, and the eggs will typically hatch in about 24 hours. Water is necessary to complete the life cycle, and soon the larva will change into a pupa and then emerge into an adult hungry for blood. Florida permanent water mosquito species include Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Mansonia dyari. Make sure your house and yard are free of standing pools in flowerpots, buckets, and containers. Cut back overgrown yards. Lush plant life can be beautiful, but it’s also a mosquito magnet. They love resting in dense vegetation that can keep them warm and moist. Floodwater mosquitos lay their eggs in moist soil, not standing water. One female floodwater mosquito has the potential to lay 200 eggs per batch in moist areas. The eggs need to dry out before they can hatch into larvae. The eggs survive in the dry soil, in cracks and crevasses. Once the rain from storms begins, the areas become inundated with water, and the eggs are able to hatch. Florida floodwater mosquito species include Culex nigripalpus, Ochlerotatus taeniorhyncus, and Psorophora columbiae. Seal up cracks and holes in windows and doors, anything that may let a mosquito in. If you have a patio that is not enclosed, use mosquito netting. It is recommended that you use a sturdy net and contain 156 holes per square inch at a minimum. Frogs, birds, dragonflies, and certain kinds of fish all eat mosquitoes. Attract birds by putting up a bird feeder or introduce beneficial bugs into your garden to help keep mosquitoes away. You won’t get every mosquito, but it may help in cutting down the numbers.

What can you do to stop mosquito breeding in your yard?
Mosquitos only need 1-2 centimeters of stagnant water to breed.

1. Change water in birdbaths 2x/week.
2. Be sure flower pots and the dish underneath does not contain standing water.
3. Be sure gutters are debris-free, so water will not collect in a leaf “dam.”
4. Bromeliads are a perfect habitat for mosquitos to develop. Flush bromeliads with a garden hose 2x/week.
5. Check yard toys and yard ornaments for standing water.
6. Check for leaks from outdoor faucets and around your air conditioner.
7. Is there standing water in your boat or any other vehicle stored outdoors?
8. Look for standing water near your swimming pool, pool equipment, and pool toys.
9. Check for standing water in holes in trees and bamboo.
10. Walk around and look for water in things like trash cans, trash can lids, and any container or object where water can accumulate.
—— Install a Bat House ——–
Bats can eat up to 600 mosquitos in an hour!!

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Shield-Backed Bug

This little guy is a Shield-backed Bug (Orsilochides guttata). The shield-backed bugs are related to the stink bugs and are true bugs, unlike the beetles they closely resemble. Like other true bugs, shield-backed bugs go through several stages of development (instars) of nymphs until they reach adulthood.

They feed on plants, including many commercial crops.

There are hundreds of shield-backed bug species ranging in color from rather drab to bright metallic greens and reds. Like stink bugs, when disturbed, shield-backed bugs will emit an odor to deter predators.

This little bug is perched on a goldenrod flower in late September in the Lower Wekiva Preserve State Park in Seminole County, Florida

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Palmetto Tortoise Beetle Larva


These little Palmetto Tortoise Bettle Larva undergo metamorphosis. They start as a segmented cluster of eggs that look like a tangled mess. They then enter the larval stage, progress to a pupal stage, and then become adults. During the pupal stage, they create an umbrella out of dead cells and feces. It’s held on by what is called anal forks. These beetles also create an oil that helps them suction to leaves with force up to 60 times its own weight. This prevents most predators except the wheel bug from eating them.

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The Milkweed Assassin

The Milkweed Assassin (Zelus longipes ) might sound like a villain but think of him as a vigilante for your garden. They are fantastic at catching invasive or hard-to-manage insects that would otherwise damage your garden. These funny little bugs set a sticky chemical trap before hiding in the foliage. Once they catch their prey, they use a long feeding appendage referred to as a beak, which is used to suck the fluids out of their prey. They will eat almost any type of flies, aphids, and broom moths. If you see them in your garden, don’t be alarmed. They are there to help. Just don’t touch them. Their bite can leave a burning sensation that swells for a few days.


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