Hidden Waters Preserve

Once known as the Eichelberger Sink, this 90-acre preserve located near Eustis is managed by Lake County Water Authority. Hidden Waters Preserve was established in 1996 to protect the water seepage and Lake Alfred where water slowly seeps into the aquifer.

Hidden Waters Preserve offers 6 trails ranging from 2 miles to 15 miles. Hike the meandering paths through sandhill restoration areas. Notice the newly planted Long-leaf pines and the gopher tortoises who make their burrows there. Water flowing from a seepage slope offers the opportunity to discover various plants and ferns.

The elevational difference between the top of the sink and the bottom is 110 feet. Explore the depression marsh and lake at the bottom of the sink where you will find a variety of plants and wading birds. Bird watchers will be happy to discover some of the more than 35 birds on this designated FWC Statewide Birding Trail.

For more information and trail maps click here: https://www.lcwa.org/land_resources/open_preserves.php

Photo Credit: Dan Kon


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Eastern Coral Snake

Eastern Coral snakes, Micrurus fulvius, have a bright, glossy, distinct pattern. Their heads are black and their tails are yellow and black. Red and black rings separated by thin yellow rings make up the rest of their body.

An adult Coral snake will grow to 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet long. Prey consists of frogs, lizards, and other snakes. Coral snakes are the only venomous snakes in Florida that are part of the cobra (Elapidae) family, therefore, they lay eggs.

From scrubs to swamps, Eastern Coral snakes can be found in numerous habitats throughout Florida. Because they spend most of their time hiding under logs or underground, an occasional Coral snake sighting can be a wonderful discovery.

A bite from this venomous snake is extremely rare, however, their bites are dangerous to pets and people. Bites occur when the Coral snake is threatened. When you discover a coral snake, simply give it space so we can peacefully coexist.

Photo credit: Dan Kon

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Butterfly Weed

Butterfly weed, Asclepias tuberosa, is also known as Butterfly milkweed. It is the most popular native species of milkweed in Florida. This hardy perennial grows 1-2 feet tall and is abundant throughout Florida. Its bright orange flowers bloom in late summer through fall and attract a variety of pollinators.

Butterfly weed is readily available at native plant nurseries. Once established, it thrives in dry, sandy soil in sun or part shade. Monarchs rely on milkweeds in the genus Asclepias for their survival since it is the only plant monarch caterpillars will eat. Plant some in your wildflower garden to attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.

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BioLab Road

BioLab Road at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.

Take a slow 5.6-mile drive in the comfort of your car on Bio Lab Road in Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. It is a one-way road running north to south. With wetlands to your right and the water to your left, you are sure to see plenty of shorebirds. Look for ducks, ibises, egrets, sandpipers, spoonbills, pelicans, herons, and of course, alligators. Be sure to bring your camera and binoculars.

In 1962, NASA purchased 140,000 acres of land located adjacent to Cape Canaveral. The John F. Kennedy Space Center was built complete with launch pads. In 1963, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) and NASA entered into an Interagency Agreement. This agreement allowed USFW to establish the land that was unused by NASA as the Merrit Island National Wildlife Refuge.

Established to provide habitat for wildlife diversity, migratory birds, and endangered and threatened species, Merrit Island National Wildlife Refuge consists of scrub, pine flatwoods, hardwood hammocks, saltwater marshes, freshwater impoundments, and coastal dunes. Over 1,500 species of plants and animals including 15 federally listed species make their homes here.

Watch for bobcats, otters, and deer. Lizards, snakes, alligators, and turtles make their homes here. 358 species of birds have been recorded at the refuge. Birds of prey include bald eagles, osprey, red-shouldered hawks, and American kestrels. Look for killdeer, Wilson’s snipes, and ring-billed gulls along the shore. Look up to see blue jays, barn swallows, American robins, pine warblers, and more. Blue herons, ibis, and egrets are plentiful. Ring-necked ducks, blue-winged teals, and wood ducks can be seen swimming in the waters at the refuge. Threatened and endangered species such as the eastern indigo snake, scrub-jay, gopher tortoise, wood stork, West Indian Manatee, and Southeastern Beach Mouse find refuge here.

For more information click here: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Merritt_Island/

Photo credit: David Gale

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Oakleaf Fleabane

Oakleaf fleabane (Erigeron quercifolius) is a native wildflower usually found in wetlands. Also known as Southern fleabane or daisy fleabane, this annual often pops up in disturbed areas. in sandhills, and yards.

The tiny white with pinkish or purplish tinted blooms are no more than 1/2 in diameter. Pollinators love this early bloomer member of the daisy family. Look for Oakleaf fleabane to bloom throughout the spring and summer.

Photo credit – Dan Kon

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Mullet Lake Park

– Mullet Lake Park-

Located in Geneva in Seminole County, Mullet Lake Park is best known for its 8 primitive camping sites, its group camping site, and boat launches. The 55-acre park borders Lake Mullet and the St Johns River. This quaint park offers the opportunity to sit and relax under ancient oak trees as you take in the sights and sounds at this remote location.

Listen for the sounds of birds, fish jumping, and frogs croaking. Look for birds of prey, shorebirds, and a variety of blooming wildflowers waiting to be admired.

For more information click here: https://www.seminolecountyfl.gov/…/301554-Mullet-Lake-Park.…

Photo credit: Dan Kon

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Black-necked Stilt

Black-necked stilts, Himantopus mexicanus, are often seen wading in shallow water in search of food such as small crustaceans, amphibians, and small fish. They also enjoy larva, dragonflies, and beetles as well as a few plants and seeds. Look for these unmistakable birds with long, pink legs in wetlands, flooded fields, shallow lakes and ponds, and saltmarshes.

The female chooses the male for mating and together they select a nest site and build the nest. Black-necked stilt nests are located on tiny islands, on floating masses of vegetation, or on the ground near the water. One will dig a hole with its feet and body. A lining of grasses, shells, stones, and other materials are added for 2 – 5 eggs. The couple will both incubate the eggs for nearly a month and raise the chicks until they are ready to be on their own in about a month after hatching.

When Black-necked stilts feel threatened by humans or other animals they will perform a “Popcorn Display.” A group of them will join together and jump up and down while flapping their wings and making loud sounds. They may also use a distraction tactic to lure predators away from their nests.

These beautiful birds face human threats of pesticide run-off and habitat loss. When birdwatching, stay far enough away so you do not disturb them.

Photo credit: Dan Kon

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Little Big Econ State Forest

Little Big Econ State Forest

Located in Geneva in eastern Seminole County, the Little Big Econ State Forest gets its name from both the Econlockhatchee River and the Little Econlockhatchee River. Econlockhatchee means “earth-mound stream” in the Muskogee language and was named by the native Americans for the numerous mounds found along the river.
Before being established on March 24, 1994, by the Florida Legislature, the property was used for cattle ranching, crops, as a turpentine distillery, and for a portion of the Florida East Coast Railway. Today, the 10,336 acres in the Little Big Econ State Forest are an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise.
Seventeen miles of the Econlockhatchee River, designated as an Outstanding Florida Waterway, flow through the forest before joining the St. Johns River on the eastern boundary. The Little Big Econ State Forest boasts a variety of habitats, including wet prairie, pine flatwoods, sandhill, scrub pine, flatwoods, scrub, sandhill, and oak-palm hammocks.
Over 160 bird species have been spotted in the forest, including Bachman’s sparrows, crested caracara, wood storks, swallow-tailed kites, and sandhill cranes. Look for fox squirrels, gopher frogs, gopher tortoises, turkeys, deer, and alligators.
The Little Big Econ State Forest has been named one of the country’s most family-friendly hikes by the American Hiking Society. Saunter along the 5.2-mile Kolokee Trail loop, discover wildlife along the 8 miles of the Florida National Scenic Trail, or explore any of the 15 miles of trails located within the forest.
Paddle all or a portion of the 20-mile-long Econlockhatchee River Paddling Trail. There are 12.1 miles of bicycle trails and 9.3 miles of equestrian trails complete with a water trough.
Primitive camping sites are available, and some have a picnic table and fire ring.
Reserve the picnic pavilion for your special events.
Enjoy your lunch at one of the picnic tables. Your leashed pets are welcome.

Whether for a day or a week, there is plenty to explore and discover at the Little Big Econ State Forest.

For trail maps and more information:

Photo credit: Christian Kon

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Reptiles – Snakes

Brahminy Blind Snake

Eastern Copperhead

Eastern Coral Snake

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

Eastern Hognose Snake

Eastern Indigo Snake

Florida banded watersnake

Pygmy Rattlesnake

Red Cornsnake

Ring-necked Snake

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