
10 Ways You Can Help Prevent Eutrophication

Eutrophication occurs when excessive nutrients build up in waterways such as rivers, lakes, and streams. This creates

high amounts of nutrients for plants and algae. When algae blooms occur, they deplete oxygen and create dead zones.

– Use native plants in your garden.
– Abide by Florida’s fertilizer regulations.
– Dispose of pet waste properly.
– Plant native plants near the shore of your pond or lake to create a buffer zone.
– Consume less meat to reduce demand for livestock that produces large amounts of waste.
– Purchase soaps and detergents that don’t contain phosphates.
– Maintain your septic tank regularly.
– Advocate for better waste management facilities in your area.
– Don’t let grass clipping blow into the street where they wash down storm drains.
– Educate others on how they can help prevent eutrophication too.