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Imagine Our Florida, Inc.

Our purpose is to bring people together in a shared vision to preserve and protect Florida's wildlife, habitat, and ecosystems. We accomplish this via science-based education and the development of appreciation and respect for the natural world and our place within it.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.2 days ago
Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour.
~ John Boswell
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.4 days ago
Stone Magnet Middle School: STEAM Night Inspires Connection with Florida Black Bears

Stone Magnet Middle School in Melbourne recently hosted an engaging and educational STEAM Night that reached 148 participants. This hands-on event, presented by IOF Director Bobby Putnam, highlighted the importance of connecting with Florida’s native wildlife, with a special focus on the Florida Black Bear.

Learning Through STEAM
The acronym STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, and this interactive evening combined these disciplines to explore how humans and wildlife can coexist harmoniously. Students, families, and community members came together to engage in activities designed to enhance understanding of the Florida Black Bear’s role in the ecosystem.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.5 days ago
"Whooping crane compared to Sandhill Crane and yes he was trying to mate with her BUT you get how much taller and bigger they are !" ~Lynn Marie.
Thank you for sharing with us. ❤️
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.1 week ago
Be sure to offer water to our native birds and those who are migrating north. Our annual flock of Robins stopped by for a drink. 🥰
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.1 week ago
Finding some quiet time in your life, I think, is hugely important.
~ Mariel Hemingway

Photo Credit: Dan Kon - Lake Lily

#ImagineOurFlorida #IOF #GetOutside