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Imagine Our Florida, Inc.

Our purpose is to bring people together in a shared vision to preserve and protect Florida's wildlife, habitat, and ecosystems. We accomplish this via science-based education and the development of appreciation and respect for the natural world and our place within it.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.2 days ago
Your IOF Board of Directors recently met for its annual meeting at Savannas Preserve State Park. After sharing a meal we discussed the future of IOF, a possible bear hunt, and a fundraiser. The preserve offered a serene setting to conduct the meeting. We all left knowing that our common bond made us even more determined to fulfill our mission: to educate and empower the people of Florida to become a voice for our wildlife, advocate for environmental stewardship, and coexist within our unique ecosystems. Onward.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.3 days ago
Saturday Saunter
Green Springs Park

Green Springs Park covers 31 acres of pristine nature and has one of Florida’s few green sulfur springs.

Visitors can enjoy paved and natural trails, scenic overlooks, a playground, and picnic pavilions. There are also maintained public restrooms and plenty of parking. However, swimming or fishing is not allowed.

Green Springs Park has played an important role in Volusia County’s history, dating back to early native settlers. In 1841, a hotel was built at the end of the springs and is known as one of Florida’s first health spas. It later (1883) became a large estate for a wine importer and steamboat baron.

Green Springs Park offers nature trails and scenic overlooks. It is also a trailhead to the Spring-to-Spring Trail and the East Central Regional Rail Trail. The East Central Regional Rail Trail begins at Green Springs and travels 5.7 miles to State Road 415 in Osteen.

Location: 994 Enterprise/Osteen Road, Enterprise
Open daily: Sunrise to sunset

For more information, click here:

Photo and Story by Melanie Lulue
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.4 days ago
Foto Friday
Please share the pictures you captured of Florida's wildlife, wild plants, and wild spaces this week in the comments.

The Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna) is a striking grassland bird known for its bright yellow chest, bold black V-shaped markings, and enchanting flutelike song. These medium-sized songbirds thrive in open fields, prairies, and farmlands, where they walk gracefully through tall grasses, often unseen.

During breeding season, males perch on fenceposts and utility lines to sing their rich, melodic tunes, attracting mates and defending their territory. A single male typically has two mates at a time. Females craft well-hidden nests on the ground, often in depressions or hoof prints, laying 2 to 7 eggs per brood and 2 broods per year.

Eastern Meadowlarks face significant population declines, with numbers dropping 75% since 1966 due to habitat loss. The conversion of family farms and prairies into large agricultural fields, early mowing, overgrazing, and pesticide use threaten their survival. Conservation efforts, such as maintaining grassy habitats and responsible land management, are essential to preserving this beautiful songbird for future generations.

Keep an ear out for their sweet, whistling calls, and if you spot one, know you are witnessing a disappearing treasure of North America’s grasslands.

Photo Credit: Lynn Marie
#ImagineOurFlorida #IOF #EasternMeadowlark #GetOutside
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.6 days ago
Bear-resistant cans work. This is how you stop human-bear conflict while maintaining a healthy population of bears. 🐻
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.
Imagine Our Florida, Inc.7 days ago
Florida Black Bear Hunt is on the table again.

Now is the time to become a Voice for our beloved Florida Black Bears.

Attend the FWC's virtual public meeting on March 13 at 6 p.m.

Email comments to FWC at BearComments@MyFWC.com.

Attend and speak up for Florida black bears at the FWC Commission Meetings in Ocala on May 21-22, 2025.

No person has ever been killed by a Florida Black Bear in recorded history.

Education and bear-resistant trash cans are proven to reduce human-bear conflicts.

Make your voices heard. Together, we will become so loud that they won't be able to ignore our collective roar.